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Charles Baudelaire - La Beauté (Beauty)Charles Baudelaire - La Beauté (Beauty)
Work rating: Medium

Je suis belle, ô mortels! comme un rêve de pierre, Et mon sein, chacun s`est meurtri tour à tour, Est fait pour inspirer au poète un amour Eternel et muet ainsi que la matière. Je trône dans l`azur comme un sphinx incompris; J`unis un coeur de neige à la blancheur des cygnes; Je hais le mouvement qui déplace les lignes, Et jamais je ne pleure et jamais je ne ris. Les poètes, devant mes grandes attitudes, Que j`ai l`air d`emprunter aux plus fiers monuments, Consumeront leurs jours en d`austères études; Car j`ai, pour fasciner ces dociles amants, De purs miroirs qui font toutes choses plus belles: Mes yeux, mes larges yeux aux clartés éternelles! Beauty I am fair, O mortals! like a dream carved in stone, And my breast where each one in turn has bruised himself Is made to inspire in the poet a love As eternal and silent as matter. On a throne in the sky, a mysterious sphinx, I join a heart of snow to the whiteness of swans; I hate movement for it displaces lines, And never do I weep and never do I laugh. Poets, before my grandiose poses, Which I seem to assume from the proudest statues, Will consume their lives in austere study; For I have, to enchant those submissive lovers, Pure mirrors that make all things more beautiful: My eyes, my large, wide eyes of eternal brightness! Translated by William Aggeler Beauty I`m fair, O mortals, as a dream of stone; My breasts whereon, in turn, your wrecks you shatter, Were made to wake in poets` hearts alone A love as indestructible as matter. A sky-throned sphinx, unknown yet, I combine The cygnet`s whiteness with a heart of snow. I loathe all movement that displaces line, And neither tears nor laughter do I know. Poets before my postures, which I seem To learn from masterpieces, love to dream And there in austere thought consume their days. I have, these docile lovers to subject, Mirrors that glorify all they reflect These eyes, great eyes, eternal in their blaze! Translated by Roy Campbell La Beauté fair as a dream in stone I loom afar mortals! with dazzling breast where, bruised in turn all poets fall in silence, doomed to burn with love eternal as the atoms are. white as a swan I throne with heart of snow in azure space, a sphynx that none divine, no hateful motion mars my lovely line, nor tears nor laughter shall I ever know. and poets, lured by this magnificence this grandeur proud as Parian monuments toil all their days like martyrs in a spell; lovers bewitched are they, for I possess pure mirrors harbouring worlds of loveliness: my wide, wide eyes where fires eternal dwell! Translated by Lewis Piaget Shanks Beauty Conceive me as a dream of stone: my breast, where mortals come to grief, is made to prompt all poets` love, mute and noble as matter itself. With snow for flesh, with ice for heart, I sit on high, an unguessed sphinx begrudging acts that alter forms; I never laugh, I never weep. In studious awe the poets brood before my monumental pose aped from the proudest pedestal, and to bind these docile lovers fast I freeze the world in a perfect mirror: The timeless light of my wide eyes. William A. Sigler

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