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Muhammad Iqbal - Shikwaa [The Complaint]Muhammad Iqbal - Shikwaa [The Complaint]
Work rating: Medium

Why should I be destructive and remain reckless of betterment? Think not of the future, remain occupied in today’s problems? Should I hear nightingale’s  wails, and remain completely silent? O companion! Am I some flower so that I may remain silent?               The strength of my poetry is encouraging to me               Woe be to me[1]! My remonstrance is against God! It is true  that  we are famous in the methods of obeisance But we are relating our story of pain out of compulsion Though a silent orchestra, we are full of complaint If the wailing comes to lips we are excusable               O God! Listen to the remonstrance also from the faithful               Listen to some complaint also from the one accustomed to praise you Though Thy Eternal Essence had existed since eternity The flower existed in the garden but  fragrance had not dispersed Justice is a condition, O Lord of Universal  Benevolence How could flower’s  fragrance spread if zephyr did not exist? This problem’s solution was  the source of satisfaction to us Otherwise was the Holy Prophet’s  Ummah insane? The scene of Thy world was strange before us Stones were adored somewhere, trees were worshipped somewhere The eyes of Man were accustomed to tangible forms How could they be amenable to accept the Unseen God?               Doth Those know who ever told Thy beads?               The strength of the Muslim’s  arm completed Thy task! Seljuks [2] were living here and the Turanas[3] also The Chinese in China and in Iran the Sassanas[4] also The Greeks were also living in the same habitation In the  same  world were the Jews and the Christians also               But who raised the sword in Thy name?               Who reclaimed the despoiled world in Thy name? We alone were the marshals of Thy troops! We were fighting now on land and now in the oceans Some times we were calling adhans in the Europe’s  cathedrals And  sometimes in the scorching African deserts               We never cared for the  grandeur of monarchs               We recited the Kalimah[5] under the shade of swords If we lived we lived for the calamities of wars If we  died we died for the grandeur of  Thy name We did not wield the sword for our kingdoms Did we roam about the world fearlessly for wealth?               If our nation had been greedy of worldly  wealth               Why would we have been idol breakers  instead of idol sellers? Once firmly standing in the battle we were immovable Even lions in the battle against us would be in flight We  were enraged if some one rebelled against Thee Not to talk of sword we were fighting against canons               We impressed  Tawhids’s picture  on every heart               We conveyed this message even under  the dagger Tell us Thou,  by whom was uprooted the gate of Khaibar[7] By whom was conquered the city which was Qaisar’s?[8] By whom were the images of created gods destroyed? By whom were the armies of infidels slaughtered? By whom was the fire temple of Iran extinguished? By whom was the story of Yazdan[9] restored to life? Which nation did become Thy seeker exclusively? And became embroiled in wars’ calamities for Thee? Whose world-conquering sword did world-ruler become? By whose Takbar did Thy world enlightened become?               Through whose fear idols did perpetually alarmed remain?               Falling on their faces saying “Huwa Allah O Ahad [10]  did remain? If the time of prayer right during the battle fell Hijaz’ nation in prostration facing the Ka’abah fell Both Mahmud and Ayaz in the same row stood[6] None as the slave and none as the master stood               The slave and the master, the poor and the rich all became one!               On arrival in Thy Audience all were reduced to one! We continuously wandered all over the world We wandered like the wine-cup with Tawhid’s  wine We wandered with Thy Message in the mountains, in the deserts And doth Thou know whether we ever returned unsuccessful?               What of the deserts! We  did not spare even oceans!               We galloped our horses in the dark ocean! We effaced falsehood from the earth’s surface We freed the human race from bonds of slavery We filled Thy Ka’bah  with our foreheads We put Thy  Qur’an to our hearts               Still Thou complaineth that we are lacking fealty               If we are lacking fealty Thou also art not generous There are other ummahs, among them are sinners also There are modest people and arrogant ones also Among them are slothful, indolent as well as clever people There are also hundreds who are disgusted with Thy name               Thy Graces descend on the other people’s abodes               Lightning strikes only the poor Muslims’ abodes The idols in temples say ‘The Muslims are gone’ They are glad that the Ka’bah’s sentinels are gone From the world’s  stage the éudâ[12] singers are gone They, with the Qur’an in their arm pits, are gone               Infidelity is mocking, hast Thou some feeling or not?               Dost Thou have any regard  for Thy own Tawhid or not? We do not complain that their treasures are full Who are not in possession of even basic social graces Outrageous that infidels are rewarded with Houris and palaces And the poor Muslims are placated with only promise of Houris               We have been deprived of the former graces and favors               What is the matter, we are deprived of the former honors? Why is the material wealth rare among Muslims? Thy omnipotence is boundless and inestimable With Thy Will the desert’s bosom would produce bubbles The desert’s rambler can be facing flood of mirage’s waves               Others’ sarcasm, disgrace and poverty is our lot               Is abjection the reward for Loving  Thee? Now, this world is the lover of  others For us it is only an imaginary world We have departed, others have taken over the world Do not complain now that devoid of  Tawhid  has become the world               We live with the object of spreading Thy fame in the  world               Can the wine-cup exist if the cup-bearer does not live? Thy assemblage is gone, and Thy Lovers are also gone The night’s sighs and the dawn’s wailings  are gone They had loved Thee, they are gone with their rewards They had hardly settled down and they were turned out               The Lovers came but with tomorrow’s promise were sent away               Now seek them with Thy beautiful face’s lamp[13] every way! Lailah’s pathos is the same, and Qais’ bosom is the same In the Najd’s wilderness and mountains the deer’s running is the same The Love’s heart is the same, the Beauty’s magic is the same The Ummah of the Holy Prophet is the same, Thou art the same               Why then this displeasure without reason is?               Why then this displeasure for Thy Lovers is? Did we forsake Thee, did we forsake the Arabian Holy Prophet? Did we adopt idol sculpture, did we idol breaking forsake? Did we forsake Love, and did we forsake the madness of Love? Did we forsake the customs of Salman[15] and Uwais of Qur’an?               We have the Takbar’s fire suppressed in our hearts!               We are living the life of Bilal the Negro! Granted that Love has lost its former elegance also We may have lost treading the path of Love also We may have lost the restless heart like the compass also And we may have lost the observance of fidelity’s rules also               Thou art changing friendship between us and others               It is difficult to say but Thou art also unfaithful! Thou perfected the Deen on the peak of Faran[15] Thou captivated the hearts of thousands in a moment Thou consumed the produce of Love with fire Thou burned the congregation with Thy face’s fire               Why are not our breasts filled with Love’s sparks now?               We are the same Lovers, dost Thou not remember now? The noise of Lovers’ chains in the Najd’s Valley has disappeared Qais has no more remained longing for the litter’s sight Those old ambitions, we, as well as the heart have disappeared The house is destroyed as Thou art not present in the house               O that happy day when Thou with elegance will come back               When Thou unveiled to our congregation will come back Others are sitting at the stream bank in the rose garden Listening to the cuckoo’s call with wine-cup in their hand In the garden on a side far from the riotous crowd are sitting Thy Lovers are also patiently wanting for a Hu![16]               Again endow Thy moths with Longing for burning themselves               Give the command for consumption in Love to the old lightning The wandering nation is riding again towards Hijaz The taste of flight has carried the unfledged nightingale The fragrance  of humility is restless in every flower bud Just start the music, orchestra is seeking the plectrum               Songs are restless to come out  of the strings               ñër is impatient for burning in the same fire Make  easy the difficulties of the blessed Ummah Place the poor ant shoulder to shoulder to Sulaiman Make the invaluable produce of Love accessible again Change the idolatrous Muslims of India into Muslims again               A stream of blood drips from the frustrations mine               Wailing palpitates in the wounded breast of mine! The rose’ fragrance took garden’s secret outside the garden Outrageous that flowers themselves are informers against the garden The spring is over, broken is the orchestra of the garden Flown away from branches are the songsters of the garden Only a nightingale is left which is singing still In its breast overflows the flood of songs still Turtle-doves from the juniper’s branches are gone also Flower petals dropping  from the flower are scattered also The garden’s old beautiful walk-ways are gone also The branches became bare of the cover of leaves also               But his nature remained free of the season’s restrictions               Would somebody in the garden understand his complaint!! There is no pleasure in dying and no taste in living is If there is any pleasure it in bearing this affliction is Many a virtue is restless in my mirror! Many an effulgence is fluttering in my breast!               But there is none in this garden to see them               There are no poppies with Love’s stain on their breasts [18] May hearts open up with the song of this lonely nightingale May the sleeping hearts wake up with this very Bang-i-Dara May the hearts come to life again with a new covenant May the hearts be thirsty again for this same old wine My alembic may be from `Ajam, but my wine is from Hijaz The song may be Indian but my tune is from Hijaz

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