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Oscar Wilde - A VisionOscar Wilde - A Vision
Work rating: Medium

.        TWO crownèd Kings, and One that stood alone            With no green weight of laurels round his head,            But with sad eyes as one uncomforted,          And wearied with man`s never-ceasing moan          For sins no bleating victim can atone,            And sweet long lips with tears and kisses fed.            Girt was he in a garment black and red,          And at his feet I marked a broken stone            Which sent up lilies, dove-like, to his knees.            Now at their sight, my heart being lit with flame                  I cried to Beatricé, "Who are these?"          And she made answer, knowing well each name,            "Æschylos first, the second Sophokles,            And last (wide stream of tears!) Euripides."

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