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Thomas Hardy - The Re-EnactmentThomas Hardy - The Re-Enactment
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Between the folding sea-downs,      In the gloom   Of a wailful wintry nightfall,      When the boom Of the ocean, like a hammering in a hollow tomb,   Throbbed up the copse-clothed valley      From the shore   To the chamber where I darkled,      Sunk and sore With gray ponderings why my Loved one had not come before   To salute me in the dwelling      That of late   I had hired to waste a while in      Vague of date, Quaint, and remote wherein I now expectant sate;   On the solitude, unsignalled,      Broke a man   Who, in air as if at home there,      Seemed to scan Every fire-flecked nook of the apartment span by span.   A stranger`s and no lover`s      Eyes were these,   Eyes of a man who measures      What he sees But vaguely, as if wrapt in filmy phantasies.   Yea, his bearing was so absent      As he stood,    It bespoke a chord so plaintive      In his mood, That soon I judged he would not wrong my quietude.   `Ah the supper is just ready,`      Then he said,   `And the years` long binned Madeira      Flashes red!` (There was no wine, no food, no supper-table spread.)   `You will forgive my coming,      Lady fair?   I see you as at that time      Rising there, The self-same curious querying in your eyes and hair.   `Yet no. How so? You wear not      The same gown,   Your locks show woful difference,      Are not brown: What, is it not as when I hither came from town?   `And the place…. But you seem other      Can it be?   What`s this that Time is doing      Unto me? You dwell here, unknown woman?… Whereabouts, then, is she?   `And the house-things are much shifted.      Put them where   They stood on this nights fellow;      Shift her chair: Here was the couch: and the piano should be there.`   I indulged him, verily nerve-strained      Being alone,   And I moved the things as bidden.      One by one, And feigned to push the old piano where he had shown.   `Aha now I can see her!      Stand aside:   Don`t thrust her from the table      Where, meek-eyed, She makes attempt with matron-manners to preside.   `She serves me: now she rises,      Goes to play….   But you obstruct her, fill her      With dismay, And embarrassed, scared, she vanishes away!`   And, as `twere useless longer      To persist,   He sighed, and sought the entry      Ere I wist, And retreated, disappearing soundless in the mist.   That here some mighty passion      Once had burned,   Which still the walls enghosted,      I discerned, And that by its strong spell mine might be overturned.   I sat depressed; till, later,      My Love came;   But something in the chamber      Dimmed our flame, An emanation, making our due words fall tame,   As if the intenser drama      Shown me there   Of what the walls had witnessed      Filled the air, And left no room for later passion anywhere.   So came it that our fervours      Did quite fail   Of future consummation      Being made quail By the weird witchery of the parlour`s hidden tale,   Which I, as years passed, faintly      Learnt to trace,   One of sad love, born full-winged      In that place Where the predestined sorrowers first stood face to face.   And as that month of winter      Circles round,   And the evening of the date-day      Grows embrowned, I am conscious of those presences, and sit spellbound.   There, often lone, forsaken      Queries breed   Within me; whether a phantom      Had my heed On that strange night, or was it some wrecked heart indeed?

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