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Robert Burns - To Miss Jessie LewarsRobert Burns - To Miss Jessie Lewars
Work rating: Medium

To Miss Jessie Lewars The sun lies clasped in amber cloud Half hidden in the sea, And o`er the sands the flowing tide Comes racing merrilee. The hawthorn hedge is white with bloom The wind is soft and lown And sad and still you watch by me Your hand clasped in my own. Oh, let the curtain bide, Jessie And lift my head a wee, And let the bonnie setting sun Glint in on you and me. The world seems fair and bright, Jessie Near loving hearts like you, But poonith`s blast sifts simmer love, And makes leal friendships few. How aften in the dreary night, I clasp my burning hands Upon those throbbing sleepless lids, O`er eyes like glowing brands, And ponder in my weary brain, If haply when I`m dead My old boon friends for love of me Will give my bairnies bread. Oh, did the poor not help the poor, Each in their simple way, With humble gift and kindly love, God pity them I say. For many a man who clasped my hand With friendship o`er the bowl When the wine halo had passed away Proved but a niggard soul. Oh, blessed hope `midst our distress, There is a promise made, That in the day the rough wind blows, The east wind shall be stayed. A few short years and those I love Will come again to me, In that bright land withoout a sun, That land without a sea. Oh, wilt thou gang o`nights, Jessie, To my forsaken hearth, And be as thou has been to me, The truest friend on earth. So sweetly in your linnet voice, You`ll sing my weans to rest, While Jessie leans her weary head, Upon thy loving breast. Oh, what is fame? Its wealth of lays Cools not the fevered brow, Wilt tell his name in future days Who whistled at the plough And wrote a simple song or two, For happier hearts to sing Among the shining sheaves of corn Or round the household ring. Yet would I praise the bubble fame If but my artless lays Brought thy true worth and lovingness For future time to praise. True friend I bless the poet skill Which won a friend like thee, Whose love `twixt hopes of home and heaven Is with me constantly.

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