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Robert Burns - Address To The Unco GuidRobert Burns - Address To The Unco Guid
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My Son, these maxims make a rule, An` lump them aye thegither; The Rigid Righteous is a fool, The Rigid Wise anither: The cleanest corn that ere was dight May hae some pyles o` caff in; So ne`er a fellow creature slight For random fits o` daffin. Solomon.—Ec cles. ch. vii. verse 16 O ye wha are sae guid yoursel`, Sae pious and sae holy, Ye`ve nought to do but mark and tell Your neibours` fauts and folly! Whase life is like a weel-gaun mill, Supplied wi` store o` water; The heapèd happer`s ebbing still, An` still the clap plays clatter. Hear me, ye venerable core, As counsel for poor mortals That frequent pass douce Wisdom`s door For glaikit Folly`s portals: I, for their thoughtless, careless sakes, Would here propone defences— Their donsie tricks, their black mistakes, Their failings and mischances. Ye see your state wi` theirs compared, And shudder at the niffer; But cast a moment`s fair regard, What makes the mighty differ? Discount what scant occassion gave, That purity ye pride in; And (what`s aft mair than a` the lave) Your better art o` hidin. Think, when your castigated pulse Gies now and then a wallop, What ragings must his veins convulse, That still eternal gallop! Wi` wind and tide fair i` your tail, Right on ye scud your sea-way; But in the teeth o` baith to sail, It maks a unco lee-way. See Social Life and Glee sit down, All joyous and unthinking, Till, quite transmugrifi ed, they`re grown Debauchery and Drinking: O would they stay to calculate Th` external consequences ; Or your more dreaded hell to state Damnation of expenses! Ye high, exalted, virtuous dames, Tied up in godly laces, Before ye gie poor Frailty names, Suppose a change o` cases; A dear-lov`d lad, convenience snug, A treach`rous inclination- - But let me whisper i` your lug, Ye`re aiblins nae temptation. Then gently scan your brother man, Still gentler sister woman; Tho` they may gang a kennin wrang, To step aside is human; One point must still be greatly dark,— The moving Why they do it; And just as lamely can ye mark, How far perhaps they rue it. Who made the heart, `tis He alone Decidedly can try us; He knows each chord, its various tone, Each spring, its various bias: Then at the balance let`s be mute, We never can adjust it; What`s done we partly may compute, But know not what`s resisted.

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