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Robert Burns - A DedicationRobert Burns - A Dedication
Work rating: Medium

Expect na, sir, in this narration, A fleechin, fleth`rin Dedication, To roose you up, an` ca` you guid, An` sprung o` great an` noble bluid, Because ye`re surnam`d like His Grace— Perhaps related to the race: Then, when I`m tir`d —and sae are ye, Wi` mony a fulsome, sinfu` lie, Set up a face how I stop short, For fear your modesty be hurt. This may do —maun do, sir, wi` them wha Maun please the great folk for a wamefou; For me! sae laigh I need na bow, For, Lord be thankit, I can plough; And when I downa yoke a naig, Then, Lord be thankit, I can beg; Sae I shall say —an` that`s nae flatt`rin— It`s just sic Poet an` sic Patron. The Poet, some guid angel help him, Or else, I fear, some ill ane skelp him! He may do weel for a` he`s done yet, But only—he`s no just begun yet. The Patron (sir, ye maun forgie me; I winna lie, come what will o` me), On ev`ry hand it will allow`d be, He`s just—nae better than he should be. I readily and freely grant, He downa see a poor man want; What`s no his ain, he winna tak it; What ance he says, he winna break it; Ought he can lend he`ll no refus`t, Till aft his guidness is abus`d; And rascals whiles that do him wrang, Ev`n that, he does na mind it lang; As master, landlord, husband, father, He does na fail his part in either. But then, nae thanks to him for a`that; Nae godly symptom ye can ca` that; It`s naething but a milder feature Of our poor, sinfu` corrupt nature: Ye`ll get the best o` moral works, `Mang black Gentoos, and pagan Turks, Or hunters wild on Ponotaxi, Wha never heard of orthodoxy. That he`s the poor man`s friend in need, The gentleman in word and deed, It`s no thro` terror of damnation; It`s just a carnal inclination.  Morality, thou deadly bane, Thy tens o` thousands thou hast slain! Vain is his hope, whase stay an` trust is In moral mercy, truth, and justice! No-stretch a point to catch a plack: Abuse a brother to his back; Steal through the winnock frae a whore, But point the rake that taks the door; Be to the poor like ony whunstane, And haud their noses to the grunstane; Ply ev`ry art o` legal thieving; No matter—stick  to sound believing. Learn three-mile pray`rs, an` half-mile graces, Wi` weel-spread looves, an` lang, wry faces; Grunt up a solemn, lengthen`d groan, And damn a` parties but your own; I`ll warrant they ye`re nae deceiver, A steady, sturdy, staunch believer. O ye wha leave the springs o` Calvin, For gumlie dubs of your ain delvin! Ye sons of Heresy and Error, Ye`ll some day squeel in quaking terror, When Vengeance draws the sword in wrath. And in the fire throws the sheath; When Ruin, with his sweeping besom, Just frets till Heav`n commission gies him; While o`er the harp pale Misery moans, And strikes the ever-deep`ni ng tones, Still louder shrieks, and heavier groans! Your pardon, sir, for this digression: I maist forgat my Dedication; But when divinity comes `cross me, My readers still are sure to lose me. So, sir, you see `twas nae daft vapour; But I maturely thought it proper, When a` my works I did review, To dedicate them, sir, to you: Because (ye need na tak it ill), I thought them something like yoursel`. Then patronize them wi` your favor, And your petitioner shall ever— I had amaist said, ever pray, But that`s a word I need na say; For prayin, I hae little skill o`t, I`m baith dead-sweer, an` wretched ill o`t; But I`se repeat each poor man`s pray`r, That kens or hears about you, sir— "May ne`er Misfortune`s  gowling bark, Howl thro` the dwelling o` the clerk! May ne`er his genrous, honest heart, For that same gen`rous spirit smart! May Kennedy`s far-honour`d  name Lang beet his hymeneal flame, Till Hamiltons, at least a dizzen, Are frae their nuptial labours risen: Five bonie lasses round their table, And sev`n braw fellows, stout an` able, To serve their king an` country weel, By word, or pen, or pointed steel! May health and peace, with mutual rays, Shine on the ev`ning o` his days; Till his wee, curlie John`s ier-oe, When ebbing life nae mair shall flow, The last, sad, mournful rites bestow!" I will not wind a lang conclusion, With complimentar y effusion; But, whilst your wishes and endeavours Are blest with Fortune`s smiles and favours, I am, dear sir, with zeal most fervent, Your much indebted, humble servant. But if (which Pow`rs above prevent) That iron-hearted  carl, Want, Attended, in his grim advances, By sad mistakes, and black mischances, While hopes, and joys, and pleasures fly him, Make you as poor a dog as I am, Your humble servant then no more; For who would humbly serve the poor? But, by a poor man`s hopes in Heav`n! While recollection `s pow`r is giv`n— If, in the vale of humble life, The victim sad of fortune`s strife, I, thro` the tender-gushi ng tear, Should recognise my master dear; If friendless, low, we meet together, Then, sir, your hand-my Friend and Brother!

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