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Robert Burns - Address To The Tooth-AcheRobert Burns - Address To The Tooth-Ache
Work rating: Medium

My curse upon your venom`d stang, That shoots my tortur`d gums alang; And thro` my lugs gies mony a twang,     Wi` gnawing vengeance; Tearing my nerves wi` bitter pang,     Like racking engines! When fevers burn, or ague freezes, Rheumatics gnaw, or cholic squeezes; Our neighbors` sympathy may ease us,     Wi` pitying moan; But thee thou hell o` a` diseases     They mock our groan! Adown my beard the slavers trickle! I throw the wee stools o`er the mickle, As round the fire the giglets keckle,     To see me loup; While raving mad, I wish a heckle     Were in their doup. O` a` the num`rous human dools, Ill har`sts, daft bargains, cutty-stools, Or worthy friends rak`d i` the mools,     Sad sight to see ! The tricks o` knaves, or fash o` fools,     Thou bear`st the gree. Where`er that place be priests ca` hell, Whence a` the tones o` mis`ry yell, And rankd plagues their numbers tell,     In dreadfu` raw, Thou, Tooth-ache, surely bear`st the bell     Amang them a`! O thou grim, mischief-making chiel, That gars the notes of discord squeel, Till daft mankiud aft dance a reel     In gore a shoe-thick; Gie a` the foes o` Scotland`s weal     A towmond`s Tooth-ache!

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