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Robert Burns - Holy Willie`s PrayerRobert Burns - Holy Willie`s Prayer
Work rating: Medium

"And send the godly in a pet to pray." - Pope O Thou, that in the heavens does dwell, Wha, as it pleases best Thysel`, Sends ane to heaven an` ten to hell, A` for Thy glory, And no for onie guid or ill They`ve done afore Thee! I bless and praise Thy matchless might, When thousands Thou hast left in night, That I am here afore Thy sight, For gifts an` grace A burning and a shining light To a` this place. What was I, or my generation, That I should get sic exaltation, I wha deserv`d most just damnation For broken laws, Sax thousand years ere my creation, Thro` Adam`s cause. When from my mither`s womb I fell, Thou might hae plung`d me deep in hell, To gnash my gooms, and weep and wail, In burnin lakes, Where damned devils roar and yell, Chain`d to their stakes. Yet I am here a chosen sample, To show thy grace is great and ample; I`m here a pillar o` Thy temple, Strong as a rock, A guide, a buckler, and example, To a` Thy flock. O Lord, Thou kens what zeal I bear, When drinkers drink, an` swearers swear, An` sining here, an` dancin there, Wi great and sma`; For I am keepit by Thy fear Free frae them a`. But yet, O Lord! confess I must, At times I`m fash`d wi` fleshly lust: An` sometimes, too, in warldly trust, Vile self gets in; But Thou remembers we are dust, Defil`d wi` sin. O Lord! yestreen, Thou kens, wi` Meg - Thy pardon I sincerely beg; O! may`t ne`er be a livin plague To my dishonour, An` I`ll ne`er lift a lawless leg Again upon her. Besides, I farther maun allow, Wi` Leezie`s lass, three times I trow - But Lord, that Friday I was fou, When I cam near her; Or else, Thou kens, Thy servant true Wad never steer her. Maybe Thou lets this fleshly thorn Buffet Thy servant e`en and morn, Lest he owre proud and high shou`d turn, That he`s sae gifted: If sae, Thy han` maun e`en be borne, Until Thou lift it. Lord, mind Gaw`n Hamilton`s deserts; He drinks, an` swears, an` plays at cartes, Yet has sae mony takin arts, Wi` great and sma`, Frae God`s ain priest the people`s hearts He steals awa. An` when we chasten`d him therefor, Thou kens how he bred sic a splore, An` set the warld in a roar O` laughing at us; - Curse Thou his basket and his store, Kail an` potatoes. Lord, hear my earnest cry and pray`r, Against that Presbyt`ry o` Ayr; Thy strong right hand, Lord make it bare Upo` their heads; Lord visit them, an` dinna spare, For their misdeeds. O Lord, my God! that glib-tongu`d  Aiken, My vera heart and flesh are quakin, To think how we stood sweatin, shakin, An` p-`d wi` dread, While he, wi` hingin lip an` snakin, Held up his head. Lord, in Thy day o` vengeance try him, Lord, visit them wha did employ him, And pass not in Thy mercy by them, Nor hear them their pray`r, But for Thy people`s sake destroy them, An` dinna spare. But, Lord, remember me an` mine Wi` mercies temporal and divine, That I for grace an` gear may shine, Excell`d by nane, And a` the glory shall be thine, Amen, Amen!

The script ran 0.002 seconds.