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Robert Burns - Address To A HaggisRobert Burns - Address To A Haggis
Work rating: Medium

Fair fa` your honest, sonsie face,   Great chieftain o` the puddin-race!   Aboon them a` ye tak your place,       Painch, tripe, or thairm:   Weel are ye wordy of a grace       As lang`s my arm.     The groaning trencher there ye fill,   Your hurdies like a distant hill,   Your pin wad help to mend a mill       In time o` need,   While thro` your pores the dews distil       Like amber bead.     His knife see rustic Labour dight,   An` cut ye up wi` ready slight,   Trenching your gushing entrails bright       Like onie ditch;   And then, O what a glorious sight,       Warm-reekin,  rich!     Then, horn for horn, they strech an` strive:   Deil tak the hindmost! on they drive,   Till a` their weel-swall`d  kytes belyve,       Are bent like drums;   Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,       `Bethankit!`  hums.     Is there that owre his French ragout   Or olio that wad staw a sow,   Or fricassee wad mak her spew       Wi` perfect sconner,   Looks down wi` sneering, scornfu` view       On sic a dinner?     Poor devil! see him owre his trash,   As feckless as a wither`d rash,   His spindle shank, a guid whip-lash,       His nieve a nit;   Thro` bluidy flood or field to dash,       O how unfit!     But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,   The trembling earth resounds his tread.   Clap in his walie nieve a blade,       He`ll make it whissle;   An` legs, an` arms, an` heads will sned,       Like taps o` thrissle.     Ye Pow`rs wha mak mankind your care,   And dish them out their bill o `fare,   Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware       That jaups in luggies;   But, if ye wish her gratefu` prayer,       Gie her a Haggis!

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