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James Whitcomb Riley - The Legend GlorifiedJames Whitcomb Riley - The Legend Glorified
Work rating: Low

"I deem that God is not disquieted"--   This in a mighty poet`s rhymes I read;   And blazoned so forever doth abide   Within my soul the legend glorified.   Though awful tempests thunder overhead,   I deem that God is not disquieted,--   The faith that trembles somewhat yet is sure   Through storm and darkness of a way secure.   Bleak winters, when the naked spirit hears   The break of hearts, through stinging sleet of tears,   I deem that God is not disquieted;   Against all stresses am I clothed and fed.   Nay, even with fixed eyes and broken breath,   My feet dip down into the tides of death,   Nor any friend be left, nor prayer be said,   I deem that God is not disquieted.

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