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James Whitcomb Riley - Regardin` Terry HutJames Whitcomb Riley - Regardin` Terry Hut
Work rating: Low

Sence I tuk holt o` Gibbses` Churn And be`n a-handlin` the concern, I`ve travelled round the grand old State Of Indiany, lots, o` late--! I`ve canvassed Crawferdsville and sweat Around the town o` Layfayette; I`ve saw a many a County-seat I ust to think was hard to beat: At constant dreenage and expense I`ve worked Greencastle and Vincennes-- Drapped out o` Putnam into Clay, Owen, and on down thataway Plum into Knox, on the back-track Fer home ag`in-- and glad I`m back--! I`ve saw these towns, as I say-- but They`s none `at beats old Terry Hut! It`s more`n likely you`ll insist I claim this `cause I`m prejudist, Bein` born`d here in ole Vygo In sight o` Terry Hut--; but no, Yer clean dead wrong--! And I maintain They`s nary drap in ary vein O` mine but what`s as free as air To jest take issue with you there--! `Cause, boy and man, fer forty year, I`ve argied ag`inst livin` here, And jawed around and traded lies About our lack o` enterprise, And tuk and turned in and agreed All other towns was in the lead, When-- drat my melts--! They couldn`t cut No shine a-tall with Terry Hut! Take even, statesmanship, and wit, And ginerel git-up-and-git, Old Terry Hut is sound clean through--! Turn old Dick Thompson loose, er Dan Vorehees-- and where`s they any man Kin even hold a candle to Their eloquence--? And where`s as clean A fi-nan-seer as Rile` McKeen-- Er puorer, in his daily walk, In railroad er in racin` stock! And there`s `Gene Debs-- a man `at stands And jest holds out in his two hands As warm a heart as ever beat Betwixt here and the Jedgement Seat--! All these is reasons why I putt Sich bulk o` faith in Terry Hut. So I`ve come back, with eyes `at sees My faults, at last--, to make my peace With this old place, and truthful` swear-- Like Gineral Tom Nelson does--, "They hain`t no city anywhere On God`s green earth lays over us!" Our city government is grand-- "Ner is they better farmin`-land Sun-kissed--" as Tom goes on and says-- "Er dower`d with sich advantages!" And I`ve come back, with welcome tread, From journeyin`s vain, as I have said, To settle down in ca`m content, And cuss the towns where I have went, And brag on ourn, and boast and strut Around the streets o` Terry Hut!

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