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James Whitcomb Riley - Bud`s Fairy-TaleJames Whitcomb Riley - Bud`s Fairy-Tale
Work rating: Low

Some peoples thinks they ain`t no Fairies _now_ No more yet!--But they _is_, I bet! `Cause ef They _wuzn`t_ Fairies, nen I` like to know Who`d w`ite `bout Fairies in the books, an` tell What Fairies _does_, an` how their _picture_ looks, An` all an` ever`thing! W`y, ef they don`t Be Fairies anymore, nen little boys `U`d ist _sleep_ when they go to sleep an` wont Have ist no dweams at all,--`Cause Fairies--_good_ Fairies--they`re a-purpose to make dweams! But they _is_ Fairies--an` I _know_ they is! `Cause one time wunst, when its all Summertime, An` don`t haf to be no fires in the stove Er fireplace to keep warm wiv--ner don`t haf To wear old scwatchy flannen shirts at all, An` aint no fweeze--ner cold--ner snow!--An`--an` Old skweeky twees got all the gween leaves on An` ist keeps noddin`, noddin` all the time, Like they `uz lazy an` a-twyin` to go To sleep an` couldn`t, `cause the wind won`t quit A-blowin` in `em, an` the birds won`t stop A-singin` so`s they _kin_.--But twees _don`t_ sleep, I guess! But _little boys_ sleeps--an` _dweams_, too.-- An` that`s a sign they`s Fairies.                     So, one time, When I ben playin` "Store" wunst over in The shed of their old stable, an` Ed Howard He maked me quit a-bein` pardners, `cause I dwinked the `tend-like sody-water up An` et the shore-nuff cwackers.--W`y, nen I Clumbed over in our garden where the gwapes Wuz purt`-nigh ripe: An` I wuz ist a-layin` There on th` old cwooked seat `at Pa maked in Our arber,--an` so I `uz layin` there A-whittlin` beets wiv my new dog-knife, an` A-lookin` wite up through the twimbly leaves-- An` wuzn`t `sleep at all!--An`-sir!--first thing You know, a little _Fairy_ hopped out there! A _leetle-teenty Fairy!--hope-may-die!_ An` he look` down at me, he did--An` he Ain`t bigger`n a _yellerbird!_--an` he Say "Howdy-do!" he did--an` I could _hear_ Him--ist as _plain!_                     Nen _I_ say "Howdy-do!" An` he say "_I`m_ all hunkey, Nibsey; how Is _your_ folks comin` on?"                     An` nen I say "My name ain`t `_Nibsey_,` neever--my name`s _Bud_. An` what`s _your_ name?" I says to him.                     An`he Ist laugh an` say "`_Bud`s_` awful _funny_ name!" An` he ist laid back on a big bunch o` gwapes An` laugh` an` laugh`, he did--like somebody `Uz tick-el-un his feet!                     An` nen I say-- "What`s _your_ name," nen I say, "afore you bust Yo`-se`f a-laughin` `bout _my_ name?" I says. An` nen he dwy up laughin`--kindo` mad-- An` say "W`y, _my_ name`s _Squidjicum_," he says. An` nen _I_ laugh an` say--"_Gee!_ what a name!" An` when I make fun of his name, like that, He ist git awful mad an` spunky, an` `Fore you know, he ist gwabbed holt of a vine-- A big long vine `at`s danglin` up there, an` He ist helt on wite tight to that, an` down He swung quick past my face, he did, an` ist Kicked at me hard`s he could!                     But I`m too quick Fer _Mr. Squidjicum!_ I ist weached out An` ketched him, in my hand--an` helt him, too, An` _squeezed_ him, ist like little wobins when They can`t fly yet an` git flopped out their nest. An` nen I turn him all wound over, an` Look at him clos`t, you know--wite clos`t,--`cause ef He _is_ a Fairy, w`y, I want to see The _wings_ he`s got--But he`s dwessed up so fine `At I can`t _see_ no wings.--An` all the time He`s twyin` to kick me yet: An` so I take F`esh holts an` _squeeze_ agin--an` harder, too; An` I says, "_Hold up, Mr. Squidjicum!_-- You`re kickin` the w`ong man!" I says; an` nen I ist _squeeze` him_, purt`-nigh my _best_, I did-- An` I heerd somepin` bust!--An` nen he cwied An` says, "You better look out what you`re doin`!-- You` bust` my spiderweb-suspen`ners, an` You` got my woseleaf-coat all cwinkled up So`s I can`t go to old Miss Hoodjicum`s Tea-party, `s`afternoon!"                     An` nen I says-- "Who`s `old Miss Hoodjicum`?" I says                     An`he Says "Ef you lemme loose I`ll tell you."                     So I helt the little skeezics `way fur out In one hand--so`s he can`t jump down t` th` ground Wivout a-gittin` all stove up: an` nen I says, "You`re loose now.--Go ahead an` tell `Bout the `tea-party` where you`re goin` at So awful fast!" I says.                     An` nen he say,-- "No use to _tell_ you `bout it, `cause you won`t Believe it, `less you go there your own se`f An` see it wiv your own two eyes!" he says. An` _he_ says: "Ef you lemme _shore-nuff_ loose, An` p`omise `at you`ll keep wite still, an` won`t Tetch nothin` `at you see--an` never tell Nobody in the world--an` lemme loose-- W`y, nen I`ll _take_ you there!"                     But I says, "Yes An` ef I let you loose, you`ll _run!_" I says. An` he says "No, I won`t!--I hope may die!" Nen I says, "Cwoss your heart you won`t!"                     An`he Ist cwoss his heart; an` nen I weach an` set The little feller up on a long vine-- An` he `uz so tickled to git loose agin, He gwab` the vine wiv boff his little hands An` ist take an` turn in, he did, an` skin `Bout forty-`leven cats!                     Nen when he git Through whirlin` wound the vine, an` set on top Of it agin, w`y nen his "woseleaf-coat" He bwag so much about, it`s ist all tored Up, an` ist hangin` strips an` rags--so he Look like his Pa`s a dwunkard. An` so nen When he see what he`s done--a-actin` up So smart,--he`s awful mad, I guess; an` ist Pout out his lips an` twis` his little face Ist ugly as he kin, an` set an` tear His whole coat off--an` sleeves an` all.--An` nen He wad it all togevver an` ist _throw_ It at me ist as hard as he kin dwive! An` when I weach to ketch him, an` `uz goin` To give him `nuvver squeezin`, _he ist flewed Clean up on top the arber!_--`Cause, you know, They _wuz_ wings on him--when he tored his _coat_ Clean off--they _wuz_ wings _under there_. But they Wuz purty wobbly-like an` wouldn`t work Hardly at all--`Cause purty soon, when I Throwed clods at him, an` sticks, an` got him shooed Down off o` there, he come a-floppin` down An` lit k-bang! on our old chicken-coop, An` ist laid there a-whimper`n` like a child! An` I tiptoed up wite clos`t, an` I says "What`s The matter wiv ye, Squidjicum?"                     An`he Says: "Dog-gone! when my wings gits stwaight agin, Where you all _cwumpled_ `em," he says, "I bet I`ll ist fly clean away an` won`t take you To old Miss Hoodjicum`s at all!" he says. An` nen I ist weach out wite quick, I did, An` gwab the sassy little snipe agin-- Nen tooked my topstwing an` tie down his wings So`s he _can`t_ fly, `less`n I want him to! An` nen I says: "Now, Mr. Squidjicum, You better ist light out," I says, "to old Miss Hoodjicum`s, an` show _me_ how to git There, too," I says; "er ef you don`t," I says, "I`ll climb up wiv you on our buggy-shed An` push you off!" I says.                     An nen he say All wight, he`ll show me there; an` tell me nen To set him down wite easy on his feet, An` loosen up the stwing a little where It cut him under th` arms. An` nen he says, "Come on!" he says; an` went a-limpin` `long The garden-path--an` limpin` `long an` `long Tel--purty soon he come on `long to where`s A grea`-big cabbage-leaf. An` he stoop down An` say "Come on inunder here wiv me!" So _I_ stoop down an` crawl inunder there, Like he say.                     An` inunder there`s a grea` Big clod, they is--a awful grea` big clod! An` nen he says, "_Roll this-here clod away!_" An` so I roll` the clod away. An` nen It`s all wet, where the dew`z inunder where The old clod wuz,--an` nen the Fairy he Git on the wet-place: Nen he say to me "Git on the wet-place, too!" An` nen he say, "Now hold yer breff an` shet yer eyes!" he says, "Tel I say _Squinchy-winchy!_" Nen he say-- Somepin _in Dutch_, I guess.--An` nen I felt Like we `uz sinkin` down--an` sinkin` down!-- Tel purty soon the little Fairy weach An` pinch my nose an` yell at me an` say, "_Squinchy-winchy! Look wherever you please!_" Nen when I looked--Oh! they `uz purtyest place Down there you ever saw in all the World!-- They `uz ist _flowers_ an` _woses_--yes, an` _twees_ Wiv _blossoms_ on an` _big ripe apples_ boff! An` butterflies, they wuz--an` hummin`-birds-- An` _yellow_birds an` _blue_birds--yes, an` _red!_-- An` ever`wheres an` all awound `uz vines Wiv ripe p`serve-pears on `em!--Yes, an` all An` ever`thing `at`s ever gwowin` in A garden--er canned up--all ripe at wunst!-- It wuz ist like a garden--only it `Uz _little_ tit o` garden--`bout big wound As ist our twun`el-bed is.--An` all wound An` wound the little garden`s a gold fence-- An` little gold gate, too--an` ash-hopper `At`s all gold, too--an` ist full o` gold ashes! An` wite in th` middle o` the garden wuz A little gold house, `at`s ist `bout as big As ist a bird-cage is: An` _in_ the house They `uz whole-lots _more_ Fairies there--`cause I Picked up the little house, an `peeked in at The winders, an` I see `em all in there Ist _buggin_` wound! An` Mr. Squidjicum He twy to make me quit, but I gwab _him_, An` poke him down the chimbly, too, I did!-- An` y`ort to see _him_ hop out `mongst `em there! Ist like he `uz the boss an` ist got back!-- _"Hain`t ye got on them-air dew-dumplin`s yet?"_ He says.               An` they says no.                     An` nen he says "_Better git at `em nen!_" he says, "_wite quick-- `Cause old Miss Hoodjicum`s a-comin`!_"                     Nen They all set wound a little gold tub--an` All `menced a-peelin` dewdwops, ist like they `Uz _peaches_.--An`, it looked so funny, I Ist laugh` out loud, an` _dwopped_ the little house,-- An` `t busted like a soap-bubble!--An`t skeered Me so, I--I--I--I,--it skeered me so, I--ist _waked_ up.--No! I _ain`t_ ben _asleep_ An` _dream_ it all, like _you_ think,--but it`s shore Fer-certain _fact_ an` cwoss my heart it is!

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