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James Whitcomb Riley - JoneyJames Whitcomb Riley - Joney
Work rating: Low

Had a hare-lip-- Joney had: Spiled his looks, and Joney knowed it: Fellers tried to bore him, bad-- But ef ever he got mad, He kep` still and never showed it. `Druther have his mouth all pouted And split up, and like it wuz, Than the ones `at laughed about it. Purty is as purty does! Had to listen ruther clos`t `Fore you knowed "what he wuz givin` You; and yet, without no boast, Joney he wuz jest the most Entertainin` talker livin`! Take the Scriptur`s and run through `em, Might say, like a` auctioneer, And `ud argy and review `em `At wuz beautiful to hear! Hare-lip and inpediment, Both wuz bad, and both ag`in` him-- But the old folks where he went, `Preared like, knowin` his intent, `Scused his mouth fer what wuz in him. And the childern all loved Joney-- And he loved `em back, you bet--! Putt their arms around him-- on`y None had ever kissed him yet! In young company, someway, Boys `ud grin at one another On the sly; and girls `ud lay Low, with nothin` much to say, Er leave Joney with their mother. Many and many a time he`s fetched `em Candy by the paper sack, And turned right around and ketched `em Makin mouths behind his back! S`prised sometimes, the slurs he took--. Chap said onc`t his mouth looked sorter Like a fish`s mouth `ud look When he`d be`n jerked off the hook And plunked back into the worter--. Same durn feller-- it`s su`prisin`, But it`s facts-- `at stood and cherred From the bank that big babtizin` `Pike-bridge accident occurred--! Cherred for Joney while he give Life to little childern drowndin`! Which wuz fittenest to live-- Him `at cherred, er him `at div` And saved thirteen lives...? They found one Body, three days later, floated Down the by-o, eight mile` south, All so colored-up and bloated-- On`y knowed him by his mouth! Had a hare-lip-- Joney had-- Folks `at filed apast all knowed it--. Them `at ust to smile looked sad, But ef he thought good er bad, He kep` still and never showed it. `Druther have that mouth, all pouted And split up, and like it wuz, Than the ones `at laughed about it--. Purty is as purty does!

The script ran 0.001 seconds.