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James Whitcomb Riley - Grandfather SqueersJames Whitcomb Riley - Grandfather Squeers
Work rating: Low

"My grandfather Squeers," said The Raggedy Man, As he solemnly lighted his pipe and began-- "The most indestructible man, for his years, And the grandest on earth, was my grandfather Squeers! "He said, when he rounded his three-score-and-ten, `I`ve the hang of it now and can do it again!` "He had frozen his heels so repeatedly, he Could tell by them just what the weather would be; "And would laugh and declare, `while the _Almanac_ would Most falsely prognosticate, _he_ never could!` "Such a hale constitution had grandfather Squeers That, `though he`d used `_navy_` for sixty odd years, "He still chewed a dime`s-worth six days of the week, While the seventh he passed with a chew in each cheek: "Then my grandfather Squeers had a singular knack Of sitting around on the small of his back, "With his legs like a letter Y stretched o`er the grate Wherein `twas his custom to ex-pec-tor-ate. "He was fond of tobacco in _manifold_ ways, And would sit on the door-step, of sunshiny days, "And smoke leaf-tobacco he`d raised strictly for The pipe he`d used all through The Mexican War." And The Raggedy Man said, refilling the bowl Of his own pipe and leisurely picking a coal From the stove with his finger and thumb, "You can see What a tee-nacious habit he`s fastened on me! "And my grandfather Squeers took a special delight In pruning his corns every Saturday night "With a horn-handled razor, whose edge he excused By saying `twas one that his grandfather used; "And, though deeply etched in the haft of the same Was the ever-euphonious Wostenholm`s name, "`Twas my grandfather`s custom to boast of the blade As `A Seth Thomas razor--the best ever made!` "No Old Settlers` Meeting, or Pioneers` Fair, Was complete without grandfather Squeers in the chair "To lead off the programme by telling folks how `He used to shoot deer where the Court-House stands now`-- "How `he felt, of a truth, to live over the past, When the country was wild and unbroken and vast, "`That the little log cabin was just plenty fine For himself, his companion, and fambly of nine!-- "`When they didn`t have even a pump, or a tin, But drunk surface-water, year out and year in, "`From the old-fashioned gourd that was sweeter, by odds, Than the goblets of gold at the lips of the gods!`" Then The Raggedy Man paused to plaintively say It was clockin` along to`rds the close of the day-- And he`d _ought_ to get back to his work on the lawn,-- Then dreamily blubbered his pipe and went on: "His teeth were imperfect--my grandfather owned That he couldn`t eat oysters unless they were `boned`; "And his eyes were so weak, and so feeble of sight, He couldn`t sleep with them unless, every night, "He put on his spectacles--all he possessed,-- Three pairs--with his goggles on top of the rest. "And my grandfather always, retiring at night, Blew down the lamp-chimney to put out the light; "Then he`d curl up on edge like a shaving, in bed, And puff and smoke pipes in his sleep, it is said: "And would snore oftentimes as the legends relate, Till his folks were wrought up to a terrible state,-- "Then he`d snort, and rear up, and roll over; and there, In the subsequent hush they could hear him chew air. "And so glaringly bald was the top of his head That many`s the time he has musingly said, "As his eyes journeyed o`er its reflex in the glass,-- `I must set out a few signs of _Keep Off the Grass!_` "So remarkably deaf was my grandfather Squeers That he had to wear lightning-rods over his ears "To even hear thunder--and oftentimes then He was forced to request it to thunder again."

The script ran 0.002 seconds.