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James Whitcomb Riley - Dream-MarchJames Whitcomb Riley - Dream-March
Work rating: Low

"Wasn`t it a funny dream!--perfectly bewild`rin`!--     Last night, and night before, and night before that,   Seemed like I saw the march o` regiments o` children,     Marching to the robin`s fife and cricket`s rat-ta-tat!   Lily-banners overhead, with the dew upon `em,     On flashed the little army, as with sword and flame;   Like the buzz o` bumble-wings, with the honey on `em,     Came an eerie, cheery chant, chiming as it came:--   _Where go the children? Travelling! Travelling_!     _Where go the children, travelling ahead_?   _Some go to kindergarten; some go to day-school_;     _Some go to night-school; and some go to bed_!   Smooth roads or rough roads, warm or winter weather,     On go the children, tow-head and brown,   Brave boys and brave girls, rank and file together,     Marching out of Morning-Land, over dale and down:   Some go a-gypsying out in country places--     Out through the orchards, with blossoms on the boughs   Wild, sweet, and pink and white as their own glad faces;     And some go, at evening, calling home the cows.   _Where go the children? Travelling! Travelling_!     _Where go the children, travelling ahead_?   _Some go to foreign wars, and camps by the firelight_--     _Some go to glory so; and some go to bed_!   Some go through grassy lanes leading to the city--     Thinner grow the green trees and thicker grows the dust;   Ever, though, to little people any path is pretty     So it leads to newer lands, as they know it must.   Some go to singing less; some go to list`ning;     Some go to thinking over ever-nobler themes;   Some go anhungered, but ever bravely whistling,     Turning never home again only in their dreams.   _Where go the children? Travelling! Travelling_!     _Where go the children, travelling ahead_?   _Some go to conquer things; some go to try them_;     _Some go to dream them; and some go to bed_!

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