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James Whitcomb Riley - Down On Wriggle CrickJames Whitcomb Riley - Down On Wriggle Crick
Work rating: Low

"Best time to kill a hog`s when he`s fat." --Old Saw. Mostly folks is law-abidin` Down on Wriggle Crick--, Seein` they`s no Squire residin` In our bailywick; No grand juries, no suppeenies, Ner no vested rights to pick Out yer man, jerk up and jail ef He`s outragin` Wriggle Crick! Wriggle Crick hain`t got no lawin`, Ner no suits to beat; Ner no court-house gee-and-hawin` Like a County-seat; Hain`t no waitin` round fer verdick, Ner non-gittin` witness-fees; Ner no thiefs `at gits "new heain`s," By some lawyer slick as grease! Wriggle Cricks`s leadin` spirit Is old Johnts Culwell--, Keeps post-office, and right near it Owns what`s called "The Grand Hotel--" (Warehouse now--) buys wheat and ships it; Gits out ties, and trades in stock, And knows all the high-toned drummers `Twixt South Bend and Mishawauk` Last year comes along a feller-- Sharper `an a lance-- Stovepipe-hat and silk umbreller, And a boughten all-wool pants--, Tinkerin of clocks and watches: Says a trial`s all he wants-- And rents out the tavern-office Next to Uncle Johnts. Well--. He tacked up his k`dentials, And got down to biz--. Captured Johnts by cuttin` stenchils Fer them old wheat-sacks o` his--. Fixed his clock, in the post-office-- Painted fer him, clean and slick, `Crost his safe, in gold-leaf letters, "J. Culwells`s Wriggle Crick." Any kindo` job you keered to Resk him with, and bring, He`d fix fer you-- jest appeared to Turn his hand to anything--! Rings, er earbobs, er umbrellers-- Glue a cheer er chany doll--, W`y, of all the beatin` fellers, He Jest beat `em all! Made his friends, but wouldn`t stop there--, One mistake he learnt, That was, sleepin` in his shop there--. And one Sund`y night it burnt! Come in one o` jest a-sweepin` All the whole town high and dry-- And that feller, when they waked him, Suffocatin`, mighty nigh! Johnts he drug him from the buildin`, He`pless-- `peared to be--, And the women and the childern Drenchin` him with sympathy! But I noticed Johnts helt on him With a` extry lovin` grip, And the men-folks gethered round him In most warmest pardership! That`s the whole mess, grease-and-dopin`! Johnt`s safe was saved--, But the lock was found sprung open, And the inside caved. Was no trial-- ner no jury-- Ner no jedge ner court-house-click--. Circumstances alters cases Down on Wriggle Crick!

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