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James Whitcomb Riley - Knee-Deep in JuneJames Whitcomb Riley - Knee-Deep in June
Work rating: Low

Tell you what I like the best         `Long about knee-deep in June,      `Bout the time strawberries melts   On the vine, some afternoon Like to jes` git out and rest,       And not work at nothin` else! Orchard`s where I`d ruther be Needn`t fence it in fer me!   Jes` the whole sky overhead, And the whole airth underneath Sort o` so`s a man kin breathe   Like he ort, and kind o` has Elbow-room to keerlessly   Sprawl out len`thways on the grass      Where the shadders thick and soft As the kivvers on the bed      Mother fixes in the loft Allus, when they`s company! Jes` a-sort o` lazin there -   S`lazy, `at you peek and peer      Through the wavin` leaves above,      Like a feller `ats in love   And don`t know it, ner don`t keer!   Ever`thing you hear and see      Got some sort o` interest -      Maybe find a bluebird`s nest   Tucked up there conveenently   Fer the boy `at`s ap` to be   Up some other apple tree! Watch the swallers skootin` past Bout as peert as you could ast;   Er the Bob-white raise and whiz   Where some other`s whistle is. Ketch a shadder down below, And look up to find the crow Er a hawk, - away up there, `Pearantly froze in the air!   Hear the old hen squawk, and squat   Over ever` chick she`s got, Suddent-like! - and she knows where   That-air hawk is, well as you!   You jes` bet yer life she do!      Eyes a-glitterin` like glass,      Waitin` till he makes a pass! Pee-wees wingin`, to express   My opinion, `s second-class, Yit you`ll hear `em more er less;      Sapsucks gittin` down to biz, Weedin` out the lonesomeness;   Mr. Bluejay, full o` sass,      In them baseball clothes o` his, Sportin` round the orchad jes` Like he owned the premises!      Sun out in the fields kin sizz, But flat on yer back, I guess,      In the shade`s where glory is! That`s jes` what I`d like to do Stiddy fer a year er two! Plague! Ef they ain`t somepin` in Work `at kind o` goes ag`in`   My convictions! - `long about      Here in June especially!      Under some ole apple tree,         Jes` a-restin through and through,   I could git along without         Nothin` else at all to do         Only jes` a-wishin` you Wuz a-gittin` there like me, And June wuz eternity! Lay out there and try to see Jes` how lazy you kin be!      Tumble round and souse yer head In the clover-bloom, er pull         Yer straw hat acrost yer eyes         And peek through it at the skies,      Thinkin` of old chums `ats dead,            Maybe, smilin` back at you In betwixt the beautiful            Clouds o`gold and white and blue! Month a man kin railly love June, you know, I`m talkin` of! March ain`t never nothin` new! April`s altogether too   Brash fer me! and May I jes`   `Bominate its promises, Little hints o` sunshine and Green around the timber-land   A few blossoms, and a few   Chip-birds, and a sprout er two,   Drap asleep, and it turns in   Fore daylight and snows ag`in! But when June comes - Clear my th`oat   With wild honey! Rench my hair In the dew! And hold my coat! Whoop out loud! And th`ow my hat!   June wants me, and I`m to spare!   Spread them shadders anywhere,   I`ll get down and waller there,      And obleeged to you at that!

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