John Donne - AscensionJohn Donne - Ascension
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Salute the last and everlasting day,
Joy at th` uprising of this Sun, and Son,
Ye whose true tears, or tribulation
Have purely wash`d, or burnt your drossy clay.
Behold, the Highest, parting hence away,
Lightens the dark clouds, which He treads upon ;
Nor doth He by ascending show alone,
But first He, and He first enters the way.
O strong Ram, which hast batter`d heaven for me !
Mild Lamb, which with Thy Blood hast mark`d the path !
Bright Torch, which shinest, that I the way may see !
O, with Thy own Blood quench Thy own just wrath ;
And if Thy Holy Spirit my Muse did raise,
Deign at my hands this crown of prayer and praise.
The script ran 0.001 seconds.