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Poets with tag Cavalier poets:

Came from the classes that supported King Charles I during the English Civil War. Charles, a connoisseur of the fine arts, supported poets who created the art he craved. These poets in turn grouped themselves with the King and his service, thus becoming Cavalier Poets.

A cavalier was traditionally a mounted soldier or knight, but when the term was applied to those who supported Charles it was meant to portray them as roistering gallants. The term was thus meant to belittle and insult. However, it became the term applied to those who supported Charles. They were separate in their lifestyle and divided on religion from the Roundheads, who supported Parliament, consisting often of Puritans (either Presbyterians or Independents).

Robert Herrick1591-1674ENGCavalier poets, Didactism, Elizabethan, Fantasy, Tribe of Ben27640
Thomas Carew1595-1640ENGEnlightenment, Metaphysical poets, Cavalier poets, Tribe of Ben34345
John Suckling1609-1642ENGMetaphysical poets, Cavalier poets, Tribe of Ben17306
Richard Lovelace1618-1657ENGCavalier poets, Tribe of Ben144201

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