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Geoffrey Chaucer - Troilus And Criseyde: Book 05Geoffrey Chaucer - Troilus And Criseyde: Book 05
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Havinge un-to myn honour ne my reste   Right no reward, I dide al that thee leste. `If I dide ought that mighte lyken thee, It is me leef; and of this treson now, God woot, that it a sorwe is un-to me! And dredelees, for hertes ese of yow,   Right fayn wolde I amende it, wiste I how. And fro this world, almighty god I preye, Delivere hir sone; I can no-more seye.` Gret was the sorwe and pleynt of Troilus; But forth hir cours fortune ay gan to holde.   Criseyde loveth the sone of Tydeus, And Troilus mot wepe in cares colde. Swich is this world; who-so it can biholde, In eche estat is litel hertes reste; God leve us for to take it for the beste!   In many cruel batayle, out of drede, Of Troilus, this ilke noble knight, As men may in these olde bokes rede, Was sene his knighthod and his grete might. And dredelees, his ire, day and night,   Ful cruelly the Grekes ay aboughte; And alwey most this Diomede he soughte. And ofte tyme, I finde that they mette With blody strokes and with wordes grete, Assayinge how hir speres weren whette;   And god it woot, with many a cruel hete Gan Troilus upon his helm to bete. But natheles, fortune it nought ne wolde, Of others hond that either deyen sholde. And if I hadde y-taken for to wryte   The armes of this ilke worthy man, Than wolde I of his batailles endyte. But for that I to wryte first bigan Of his love, I have seyd as that I can. His worthy dedes, who-so list hem here,   Reed Dares, he can telle hem alle y-fere. Bisechinge every lady bright of hewe, And every gentil womman, what she be, That al be that Criseyde was untrewe, That for that gilt she be not wrooth with me.   Ye may hir gilt in othere bokes see; And gladlier I wole wryten, if yow leste, Penolopees trouthe and good Alceste. Ne I sey not this al-only for these men, But most for wommen that bitraysed be   Through false folk; god yeve hem sorwe, amen! That with hir grete wit and subtiltee Bitrayse yow! And this commeveth me To speke, and in effect yow alle I preye, Beth war of men, and herkeneth what I seye!   Go, litel book, go litel myn tragedie, Ther god thy maker yet, er that he dye, So sende might to make in som comedie! But litel book, no making thou nenvye, But subgit be to alle poesye;   And kis the steppes, wher-as thou seest pace Virgile, Ovyde, Omer, Lucan, and Stace. And for ther is so greet diversitee In English and in wryting of our tonge, So preye I god that noon miswryte thee,   Ne thee mismetre for defaute of tonge. And red wher-so thou be, or elles songe, That thou be understonde I god beseche! But yet to purpos of my rather speche. The wraththe, as I began yow for to seye,   Of Troilus, the Grekes boughten dere; For thousandes his hondes maden deye, As he that was with-outen any pere, Save Ector, in his tyme, as I can here. But weylawey, save only goddes wille,   Dispitously him slough the fiers Achille. And whan that he was slayn in this manere, His lighte goost ful blisfully is went Up to the holownesse of the seventh spere, In convers letinge every element;   And ther he saugh, with ful avysement, The erratik sterres, herkeninge armonye With sownes fulle of hevenish melodye. And doun from thennes faste he gan avyse This litel spot of erthe, that with the see   Embraced is, and fully gan despyse This wrecched world, and held al vanitee To respect of the pleyn felicitee That is in hevene above; and at the laste, Ther he was slayn, his loking doun he caste;   And in him-self he lough right at the wo Of hem that wepten for his deeth so faste; And dampned al our werk that folweth so The blinde lust, the which that may not laste, And sholden al our herte on hevene caste.   And forth he wente, shortly for to telle, Ther as Mercurie sorted him to dwelle. Swich fyn hath, lo, this Troilus for love, Swich fyn hath al his grete worthinesse; Swich fyn hath his estat real above,   Swich fyn his lust, swich fyn hath his noblesse; Swich fyn hath false worldes brotelnesse. And thus bigan his lovinge of Criseyde, As I have told, and in this wyse he deyde. O yonge fresshe folkes, he or she,   In which that love up groweth with your age, Repeyreth hoom from worldly vanitee, And of your herte up-casteth the visage To thilke god that after his image Yow made, and thinketh al nis but a fayre   This world, that passeth sone as floures fayre. And loveth him, the which that right for love Upon a cros, our soules for to beye, First starf, and roos, and sit in hevene a-bove; For he nil falsen no wight, dar I seye,   That wol his herte al hoolly on him leye. And sin he best to love is, and most meke, What nedeth feyned loves for to seke? Lo here, of Payens corsed olde rytes, Lo here, what alle hir goddes may availle;   Lo here, these wrecched worldes appetytes; Lo here, the fyn and guerdon for travaille Of Iove, Appollo, of Mars, of swich rascaille! Lo here, the forme of olde clerkes speche In poetrye, if ye hir bokes seche.   O moral Gower, this book I directe To thee, and to the philosophical Strode, To vouchen sauf, ther nede is, to corecte, Of your benignitees and zeles gode. And to that sothfast Crist, that starf on rode,   With al myn herte of mercy ever I preye; And to the lord right thus I speke and seye: Thou oon, and two, and three, eterne on-lyve, That regnest ay in three and two and oon, Uncircumscript, and al mayst circumscryve,   Us from visible and invisible foon Defende; and to thy mercy, everichoon, So make us, Iesus, for thy grace digne, For love of mayde and moder thyn benigne! Amen. Explicit Liber Troili et Criseydis. [End of "Troilus and Criseyde"]

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