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Robert Browning - Easter-DayRobert Browning - Easter-Day
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‘But lilies flower those reeds above— ‘I let the world go, and take love! ‘Love survives in me, albeit those ‘I loved are henceforth masks and shows, ‘Not loving men and women: still ‘I mind how love repaired all ill, ‘Cured wrong, soothed grief, made earth amends ‘With parents, brothers, children, friends! ‘Some semblance of a woman yet ‘With eyes to help me to forget, ‘Shall live with me; and I will match ‘Departed love with love, attach ‘Its fragments to my whole, nor scorn ‘Tho poorest of the grains of corn ‘I save from shipwreck on this isle, ‘Trusting its barrenness may smile ‘With happy foodful green one day, ‘More precious for the pains. I pray, ‘For love, then, only!’ XXX.                                         At the word, The Form, I looked to have been stirred With pity and approval, rose O’er me, as when the headsman throws Axe over shoulder to make end— I fell prone, letting Him expend His wrath, while, thus, the inflicting Voice Smote me. “Is this thy final choice? Love is the best? ’Tis somewhat late! “And all thou dost enumerate “Of power and beauty in the world, “The mightiness of love was curled “Inextricably round about. “Love lay within it and without, “To clasp thee,—but in vain! Thy soul “Still shrunk from Him who made the whole, “Still set deliberate aside “His love!—Now take love! Well betide “Thy tardy conscience! Haste to take “The show of love for the name’s sake, “Remembering every moment Who “Reside creating thee unto “These ends, and these for thee, was said “To undergo death in thy stead “In flesh like thine: so ran the tale. “What doubt in thee could countervail “Belief in it? Upon the ground “‘That in the story had been found “‘Too much love? How could God love so?’ “He who in all his works below “Adapted to the needs of man, “Made love the basis of the plan,— “Did love, as was demonstrated: “While man, who was so fit instead, “To hate, as every day gave proof,— “You thought man, for his kind’s behoof, “Both could and would invent that scheme “Of perfect love—’twould well beseem “Cain’s nature thou wast wont to praise, “Not tally with God’s usual ways!” XXXI. And I cowered deprecatingly— ‘Thou Love of God! Or let me die, ‘Or grant what shall seem Heaven almost! ‘Let me not know that all is lost, ‘Though lost it be—leave me not tied ‘To this despair, this corpse-like bride! ‘Let that old life seem mine—no more— ‘With limitation as before, ‘With darkness, hunger, toil, distress: ‘Be all the earth a wilderness! ‘Only let me go on, go on, ‘Still hoping ever and anon ‘To reach one eve the Better Land!’ XXXII. Then did the Form expand, expand— I knew Him through the dread disguise, As the whole God within his eyes Embraced me. XXXIII.                                 When I lived again, The day was breaking,—the grey plain I rose from, silvered thick with dew. Was this a vision? False or true? Since then, three varied years are spent, And commonly my mind is bent To think it was a dream—be sure A mere dream and distemperature— The last day’s watching: then the night,— The shock of that strange Northern Light Set my head swimming, bred in me A dream. And so I live, you see, Go through the world, try, prove, reject, Prefer, still struggling to effect My warfare; happy that I can Be crossed and thwarted as a man, Not left in God’s contempt apart, With ghastly smooth life, dead at heart, Tame in earth’s paddock as her prize. Thank God she still each method tries To catch me, who may yet escape, She knows, the fiend in angel’s shape! Thank God, no paradise stands barred To entry, and I find it hard To be a Christian, as I said! Still every now and then my head Raised glad, sinks mournful—all grows drear Spite of the sunshine, while I fear And think, ‘How dreadful to be grudged ‘No ease henceforth, as one that’s judged, ‘Condemned to earth for ever, shut ‘From Heaven’ . .                         But Easter-Day breaks! But Christ rises! Mercy every way Is infinite,—and who can say?

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