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Felicia Dorothea Hemans - The Forest Sanctuary - Part I.Felicia Dorothea Hemans - The Forest Sanctuary - Part I.
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XCII.    Now sport, for thou are free—the bright birds chasing,    Whose wings waft star-like gleams from tree to tree;    Or with the fawn, thy swift wood-playmate racing,    Sport on, my joyous child! for thou art free!    Yes, on that day I took thee to my heart,    And inly vow`d, for thee a better part    To choose; that so thy sunny bursts of glee    Should wake no more dim thoughts of far-seen woe, But, gladdening fearless eyes, flow on—as now they flow. XCIII.    Thou hast a rich world round thee:—Mighty shades    Weaving their gorgeous tracery o`er thy head,    With the light melting through their high arcades,    As through a pillar`d cloister`s: but the dead    Sleep not beneath; nor doth the sunbeam pass    To marble shrines through rainbow-tinted glass;    Yet thou, by fount and forest-murmur led    To worship, thou art blest!—to thee is shown Earth in her holy pomp, deck`d for her God alone.

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