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Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton - The Child Of The Islands - WinterCaroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton - The Child Of The Islands - Winter
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And the Bad Angel stained the heart of man: The Good our nature struggles to achieve Becomes, not what we would, but what we can:-- Ah! shall we therefore idly, vainly grieve, Or coldly turn away, reluctant to relieve? XCII. Even now a Radiant Angel goeth forth, A spirit that hath healing on his wings,-- And flieth East and West and North and South To do the bidding of the King of Kings: Stirring men`s hearts to compass better things, And teaching BROTHERHOOD as that sweet source Which holdeth in itself all blessed springs; And shewing how to guide its silver course, When it shall flood the world with deep exulting force. XCIII. And some shall be too indolent to teach,-- And some too proud of other men to learn,-- And some shall clothe their thoughts in mystic speech, So that we scarce their meaning may discern; But all shall feel their hearts within them burn, (Even those by whom the Holy is denied) And in their worldly path shall pause and turn, Because a Presence walketh by their side, Not of their earthlier mould, but pure and glorified: XCIV. And some shall blindly overshoot the mark, Which others, feeble-handed, fail to hit, And some, like that lone Dove who left the ark, With restless and o`erwearied wing to flit Over a world by lurid storm-gleams lit,-- Shall seek firm landing for a deed of worth, And see the water-floods still cover it:-- For "there are many languages on Earth, But only one in Heaven," where all good plans have birth. XCV. Faint not, oh Spirit, in dejected mood Thinking how much is planned, how little done: Revolt not, Heart, though still misunderstood, For Gratitude, of all things `neath the sun, Is easiest lost,--and insecurest, won: Doubt not, clear mind, that workest out the Right For the right`s sake: the thin thread must be spun, And Patience weave it, ere that sign of might, Truth`s Banner, wave aloft, full flashing to the light. XCVI. Saw ye the blacksmith with a struggling frown Hammer the sparkle-drifting iron straight,-- Saw ye the comely anchor, holding down The storm-tried vessel with its shapely weight? Saw ye the bent tools, old and out of date, The crucibles, and fragments of pale ore,-- Saw ye the lovely coronet of state Which in the festal hour a monarch wore, The sceptre and the orb which in her hand she bore? XCVII. Saw ye the trudging labourer with his spade Plant the small seedling in the rugged ground,-- Saw ye the forest-trees within whose shade The wildest blasts of winter wander round, While the strong branches toss and mock the sound? Saw ye the honey which the bee had hived, By starving men in desert wandering found; And how the soul gained hope, the worn limbs thrived, Upon the gathered store by insect skill contrived? XCVIII. Lo! out of Chaos was the world first called, And Order out of blank Disorder came. The feebly-toiling heart that shrinks appalled, In Dangers weak, in Difficulties tame, Hath lost the spark of that creative flame Dimly permitted still on earth to burn, Working out slowly Order`s perfect frame: Distributed to those whose souls can learn, As labourers under God, His task-work to discern. XCIX. CHILD OF THE ISLANDS! Thou art one by birth In whom the weak ones see a human guide: A Lily in the garden of their earth, That toilest not, but yet art well supplied With costly luxuries and robes of pride. Thy word shall lead full many a wavering soul, Behoves thee therefore hold thyself allied With the Mind-Workers, that thy good control May serve HIS world whose light shines out from pole to pole. C. So, when Life`s Winter closes on thy toil, And the great pause of Death`s chill silence comes,-- When seeds of good lie buried in the soil, And labourers rest within their narrow homes,-- When dormant Consciousness no longer roams In awe-struck fancy towards that distant land Where no snow falleth, and no ocean foams, But waits the trumpet in the Angel`s hand,-- THOU may`st be one of those who join Heaven`s shining band.

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