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George Gordon Byron - Don Juan: Canto The SixthGeorge Gordon Byron - Don Juan: Canto The Sixth
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And yet he shudder`d, and seem`d rather prone To prove reluctant, and begg`d leave to crave (Though he well knew the meaning) to be shown What slaves her highness wish`d to indicate, For fear of any error, like the late. `The Georgian and her paramour,` replied The imperial bride- and added, `Let the boat Be ready by the secret portal`s side: You know the rest.` The words stuck in her throat, Despite her injured love and fiery pride; And of this Baba willingly took note, And begg`d by every hair of Mahomet`s beard, She would revoke the order he had heard. `To hear is to obey,` he said; `but still, Sultana, think upon the consequence: It is not that I shall not all fulfil Your orders, even in their severest sense; But such precipitation may end ill, Even at your own imperative expense: I do not mean destruction and exposure, In case of any premature disclosure; `But your own feelings. Even should all the rest Be hidden by the rolling waves, which hide Already many a once love-beaten breast Deep in the caverns of the deadly tide- You love this boyish, new, seraglio guest, And if this violent remedy be tried- Excuse my freedom, when I here assure you, That killing him is not the way to cure you.` `What dost thou know of love or feeling?- Wretch! Begone!` she cried, with kindling eyes- `and do My bidding!` Baba vanish`d, for to stretch His own remonstrance further he well knew Might end in acting as his own `Jack Ketch;` And though he wish`d extremely to get through This awkward business without harm to others, He still preferr`d his own neck to another`s. Away he went then upon his commission, Growling and grumbling in good Turkish phrase Against all women of whate`er condition, Especially sultanas and their ways; Their obstinacy, pride, and indecision, Their never knowing their own mind two days, The trouble that they gave, their immorality, Which made him daily bless his own neutrality. And then he call`d his brethren to his aid, And sent one on a summons to the pair, That they must instantly be well array`d, And above all be comb`d even to a hair, And brought before the empress, who had made Inquiries after them with kindest care: At which Dudu look`d strange, and Juan silly; But go they must at once, and will I- nill I. And here I leave them at their preparation For the imperial presence, wherein whether Gulbeyaz show`d them both commiseration, Or got rid of the parties altogether, Like other angry ladies of her nation,- Are things the turning of a hair or feather May settle; but far be `t from me to anticipate In what way feminine caprice may dissipate. I leave them for the present with good wishes, Though doubts of their well doing, to arrange Another part of history; for the dishes Of this our banquet we must sometimes change; And trusting Juan may escape the fishes, Although his situation now seems strange And scarce secure, as such digressions are fair, The Muse will take a little touch at warfare.

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