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Robinson Jeffers - At The Birth Of An AgeRobinson Jeffers - At The Birth Of An Age
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Two messengers have come in. They are dressed for the field, capped `with iron and stained `with riding. The gaudily dressed trumpeter is with them, trying to prevent them. THE TRUMPETER  No, no, no, let me announce you. ONE OF THE MESSENGERS  It is haste. GUDRUN  Oh noble Ricimer! Pray to my master! The messengers stand beside Bishop Lupus and his companions. ATTILA  What. You`re well splashed. You, Haiga? HAIGA  Master. They have made forced marches and have forded the Seine at five miles from Troyes. Your servants there are vigilant. ATTILA  It is time. HAIGA  I have ordered raids, we shall have a few captives for questioning. The horses are being brought in. ATTILA  This is not courage. These wretches rush on their fate like trembling culprits That pray the executioner to hurry the stroke. Dear hearts! it`s ready. I shall so hug you, Theodoric, And you, Roman Aetius . . . (to Haiga) You will tell me the rest after we clear the hall. . . . Out, you unneeded. For the forest-men: take them and tie them up and set a guard: your business, Jukka. Except that pale boy: treat him with honor. Set a strong watch on their people. . . . For this old whitemuzzled sheep-dog ... go pray, totter-knees. Give him a tent. Out with you. (As they go out) Close the curtains, we take counsel. V GUDRUN  (standing this side of the closing curtains; `with Chrysothemis. Carling has left her, going

The script ran 0.006 seconds.