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Ovid - MetamorphoseOvid - Metamorphose
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NOW shone the morning star in bright array,                   To vanquish night, and usher in the day:                   The wind veers southward, and moist clouds arise,                   That blot with shades the blue meridian skies.                   Cephalus feels with joy the kindly gales,                   His new allies unfurl the swelling sails;                   Steady their course, they cleave the yielding main,                   And, with a wish, th` intended harbour gain.   The Story of      Mean-while King Minos, on the Attick strand,     Nisus and     Displays his martial skill, and wastes the land.      Scylla       His army lies encampt upon the plains,                   Before Alcathoe`s walls, where Nisus reigns;                   On whose grey head a lock of purple hue,                   The strength, and fortune of his kingdom, grew.                     Six moons were gone, and past, when still from                       far                   Victoria hover`d o`er the doubtful war.                   So long, to both inclin`d, th` impartial maid                   Between `em both her equal wings display`d.                   High on the walls, by Phoebus vocal made,                   A turret of the palace rais`d its head;                   And where the God his tuneful harp resign`d.                   The sound within the stones still lay enshrin`d:                   Hither the daughter of the purple king                   Ascended oft, to hear its musick ring;                   And, striking with a pebble, wou`d release                   Th` enchanted notes, in times of happy peace.                   But now, from thence, the curious maid beheld                   Rough feats of arms, and combats of the field:                   And, since the siege was long, had learnt the name                   Of ev`ry chief, his character, and fame;                   Their arms, their horse, and quiver she descry`d,                   Nor cou`d the dress of war the warriour hide.                     Europa`s son she knew above the rest,                   And more, than well became a virgin breast:                   In vain the crested morion veils his face,                   She thinks it adds a more peculiar grace:                   His ample shield, embost with burnish`d gold,                   Still makes the bearer lovelier to behold:                   When the tough jav`lin, with a whirl, he sends,                   His strength and skill the sighing maid commends;                   Or, when he strains to draw the circling bow,                   And his fine limbs a manly posture show,                   Compar`d with Phoebus, he performs so well,                   Let her be judge, and Minos shall excell.                     But when the helm put off, display`d to sight,                   And set his features in an open light;                   When, vaulting to his seat, his steed he prest,                   Caparison`d in gold, and richly drest;                   Himself in scarlet sumptuously array`d,                   New passions rise, and fire the frantick maid.                   O happy spear! she cries, that feels his touch;                   Nay, ev`n the reins he holds are blest too much.                   Oh! were it lawful, she cou`d wing her way                   Thro` the stern hostile troops without dismay;                   Or throw her body to the distant ground,                   And in the Cretans happy camp be found.                   Wou`d Minos but desire it! she`d expose                   Her native country to her country`s foes;                   Unbar the gates, the town with flames infest,                   Or any thing that Minos shou`d request.                     And as she sate, and pleas`d her longing sight,                   Viewing the king`s pavilion veil`d with white,                   Shou`d joy, or grief, she said, possess my breast,                   To see my country by a war opprest?                   I`m in suspense! For, tho` `tis grief to know                   I love a man that is declar`d my foe;                   Yet, in my own despite, I must approve                   That lucky war, which brought the man I love.                   Yet, were I tender`d as a pledge of peace,                   The cruelties of war might quickly cease.                   Oh! with what joy I`d wear the chains he gave!                   A patient hostage, and a willing slave.                   Thou lovely object! if the nymph that bare                   Thy charming person, were but half so fair;                   Well might a God her virgin bloom desire,                   And with a rape indulge his amorous fire.                   Oh! had I wings to glide along the air,                   To his dear tent I`d fly, and settle there:                   There tell my quality, confess my flame,                   And grant him any dowry that he`d name.                   All, all I`d give; only my native land,                   My dearest country, shou`d excepted stand,                   For, perish love, and all expected joys,                   E`re, with so base a thought, my soul complies.                   Yet, oft the vanquish`d some advantage find,                   When conquer`d by a noble, gen`rous mind.                   Brave Minos justly has the war begun,                   Fir`d with resentment for his murder`d son:                   The righteous Gods a righteous cause regard,                   And will, with victory, his arms reward:                   We must be conquer`d; and the captive`s fate                   Will surely seize us, tho` it seize us late.                   Why then shou`d love be idle, and neglect                   What Mars, by arms and perils, will effect?                   Oh! Prince, I dye, with anxious fear opprest,                   Lest some rash hand shou`d wound my charmer`s                       breast:                   For, if they saw, no barb`rous mind cou`d dare                   Against that lovely form to raise a spear.                     But I`m resolv`d, and fix`d in this decree,                   My father`s country shall my dowry be.                   Thus I prevent the loss of life and blood,                   And, in effect, the action must be good.                   Vain resolution! for, at ev`ry gate                   The trusty centinels, successive, wait:                   The keys my father keeps; ah! there`s my grief;                   `Tis he obstructs all hopes of my relief.                   Gods! that this hated light I`d never seen!                   Or, all my life, without a father been!                   But Gods we all may be; for those that dare,                   Are Gods, and Fortune`s chiefest favours share.                   The ruling Pow`rs a lazy pray`r detest,                   The bold adventurer succeeds the best.                   What other maid, inspir`d with such a flame,                   But wou`d take courage, and abandon shame?                   But wou`d, tho` ruin shou`d ensue, remove                   Whate`er oppos`d, and clear the way to love?                   This, shall another`s feeble passion dare?                   While I sit tame, and languish in despair:                   No; for tho` fire and sword before me lay,                   Impatient love thro` both shou`d force its way.                   Yet I have no such enemies to fear,                   My sole obstruction is my father`s hair;                   His purple lock my sanguine hope destroys,                   And clouds the prospect of my rising joys.                     Whilst thus she spoke, amid the thick`ning air                   Night supervenes, the greatest nurse of care:                   And, as the Goddess spreads her sable wings,                   The virgin`s fears decay, and courage springs.                   The hour was come, when Man`s o`er-labour`d breast                   Surceas`d its care, by downy sleep possest:                   All things now hush`d, Scylla with silent tread                   Urg`d her approach to Nisus` royal bed:                   There, of the fatal lock (accursed theft!)                   She her unwitting father`s head bereft.                   In safe possession of her impious prey,                   Out at a postern gate she takes her way.                   Embolden`d, by the merit of the deed                   She traverses the adverse camp with speed,                   `Till Minos` tent she reach`d: the righteous king                   She thus bespoke, who shiver`d at the thing.                     Behold th` effect of love`s resistless sway!                   I, Nisus` royal seed, to thee betray                   My country, and my Gods. For this strange task,                   Minos, no other boon but thee I ask.                   This purple lock, a pledge of love, receive;                   No worthless present, since in it I give                   My father`s head.- Mov`d at a crime so new,                   And with abhorrence fill`d, back Minos drew,                   Nor touch`d th` unhallow`d gift; but thus exclaim`d                   (With mein indignant, and with eyes inflam`d),                   Perdition seize thee, thou, thy kind`s disgrace!                   May thy devoted carcass find no place                   In earth, or air, or sea, by all out-cast!                   Shall Minos, with so foul a monster, blast                   His Cretan world, where cradled Jove was nurst?                   Forbid it Heav`n!- away, thou most accurst!                     And now Alcathoe, its lord exchang`d,                   Was under Minos` domination rang`d.                   While the most equal king his care applies                   To curb the conquer`d, and new laws devise,                   The fleet, by his command, with hoisted sails,                   And ready oars, invites the murm`ring gales.                   At length the Cretan hero anchor weigh`d,                   Repaying, with neglect, th` abandon`d maid.                   Deaf to her cries, he furrows up the main:                   In vain she prays, sollicits him in vain.                     And now she furious grows in wild despair,                   She wrings her hands, and throws aloft her hair.                   Where run`st thou? (thus she vents her deep                       distress)                   Why shun`st thou her that crown`d thee with                       success?                   Her, whose fond love to thee cou`d sacrifice                   Her country, and her parent, sacred ties!                   Can nor my love, nor proffer`d presents find                   A passage to thy heart, and make thee kind?                   Can nothing move thy pity? O ingrate,                   Can`st thou behold my lost, forlorn estate,                   And not be soften`d? Can`st thou throw off one                   Who has no refuge left but thee alone?                   Where shall I seek for comfort? whither fly?                   My native country does in ashes lye:                   Or were`t not so, my treason bars me there,                   And bids me wander. Shall I next repair                   To a wrong`d father, by my guilt undone?-                   Me all Mankind deservedly will shun.                   I, out of all the world, my self have thrown,                   To purchase an access to Crete alone;                   Which, since refus`d, ungen`rous man, give o`er                   To boast thy race; Europa never bore                   A thing so savage. Thee some tygress bred,                   On the bleak Syrt`s inhospitable bed;                   Or where Charybdis pours its rapid tide                   Tempestuous. Thou art not to Jove ally`d;                   Nor did the king of Gods thy mother meet                   Beneath a bull`s forg`d shape, and bear to Crete.                   That fable of thy glorious birth is feign`d;                   Some wild outrageous bull thy dam sustain`d.                   O father Nisus, now my death behold;                   Exult, o city, by my baseness sold:                   Minos, obdurate, has aveng`d ye all;                   But `twere more just by those I wrong`d to fall:                   For why shou`dst thou, who only didst subdue                   By my offending, my offence pursue?                   Well art thou matcht to one whose am`rous flame                   Too fiercely rag`d, for human-kind to tame;                   One who, within a wooden heifer thrust,                   Courted a low`ring bull`s mistaken lust;                   And, from whose monster-teeming womb, the Earth                   Receiv`d, what much it mourn`d, a bi-form birth.                   But what avails my plaints? the whistling wind,                   Which bears him far away, leaves them behind.                   Well weigh`d Pasiphae, when she prefer`d                   A bull to thee, more brutish than the herd.                   But ah! Time presses, and the labour`d oars                   To distance drive the fleet, and lose the less`ning                       shores.                   Think not, ungrateful man, the liquid way                   And threat`ning billows shall inforce my stay.                   I`ll follow thee in spite: My arms I`ll throw                   Around thy oars, or grasp thy crooked prow,                   And drag thro` drenching seas. Her eager tongue                   Had hardly clos`d the speech, when forth she sprung                   And prov`d the deep. Cupid with added force                   Recruits each nerve, and aids her wat`ry course.                   Soon she the ship attains, unwelcome guest;                   And, as with close embrace its sides she prest,                   A hawk from upper air came pouring down                   (`Twas Nisus cleft the sky with wings new grown).                   At Scylla`s head his horny bill he aims;                   She, fearful of the blow, the ship disclaims,                   Quitting her hold: and yet she fell not far,                   But wond`ring, finds her self sustain`d in air.                   Chang`d to a lark, she mottled pinions shook,                   And, from the ravish`d lock, the name of Ciris                       took.        The          Now Minos, landed on the Cretan shore,     Labyrinth     Performs his vows to Jove`s protecting pow`r;                   A hundred bullocks of the largest breed,                   With flowrets crown`d, before his altar bleed:                   While trophies of the vanquish`d, brought from far                   Adorn the palace with the spoils of war.                     Mean-while the monster of a human-beast,                   His family`s reproach, and stain, increas`d.                   His double kind the rumour swiftly spread,                   And evidenc`d the mother`s beastly deed.                   When Minos, willing to conceal the shame                   That sprung from the reports of tatling Fame,                   Resolves a dark inclosure to provide,                   And, far from sight, the two-form`d creature hide.                     Great Daedalus of Athens was the man                   That made the draught, and form`d the wondrous                       plan;                   Where rooms within themselves encircled lye,                   With various windings, to deceive the eye.                   As soft Maeander`s wanton current plays,                   When thro` the Phrygian fields it loosely strays;                   Backward and forward rouls the dimpl`d tide,                   Seeming, at once, two different ways to glide:                   While circling streams their former banks survey,                   And waters past succeeding waters see:                   Now floating to the sea with downward course,                   Now pointing upward to its ancient source,                   Such was the work, so intricate the place,                   That scarce the workman all its turns cou`d trace;                   And Daedalus was puzzled how to find                   The secret ways of what himself design`d.                     These private walls the Minotaur include,                   Who twice was glutted with Athenian blood:                   But the third tribute more successful prov`d,                   Slew the foul monster, and the plague remov`d.                   When Theseus, aided by the virgin`s art,                   Had trac`d the guiding thread thro` ev`ry part,                   He took the gentle maid, that set him free,                   And, bound for Dias, cut the briny sea.                   There, quickly cloy`d, ungrateful, and unkind,                   Left his fair consort in the isle behind,                   Whom Bacchus saw, and straining in his arms                   Her rifled bloom, and violated charms,                   Resolves, for this, the dear engaging dame                   Shou`d shine for ever in the rolls of Fame;                   And bids her crown among the stars be plac`d,                   With an eternal constellation grac`d.                   The golden circlet mounts; and, as it flies,                   Its diamonds twinkle in the distant skies;                   There, in their pristin form, the gemmy rays                   Between Alcides, and the dragon blaze.   The Story of      In tedious exile now too long detain`d,   Daedalus and    Daedalus languish`d for his native land:      Icarus       The sea foreclos`d his flight; yet thus he said:                   Tho` Earth and water in subjection laid,                   O cruel Minos, thy dominion be,                   We`ll go thro` air; for sure the air is free.                   Then to new arts his cunning thought applies,                   And to improve the work of Nature tries.                   A row of quils in gradual order plac`d,                   Rise by degrees in length from first to last;                   As on a cliff th` ascending thicket grows,                   Or, different reeds the rural pipe compose.                   Along the middle runs a twine of flax,                   The bottom stems are joyn`d by pliant wax.                   Thus, well compact, a hollow bending brings                   The fine composure into real wings.                     His boy, young Icarus, that near him stood,                   Unthinking of his fate, with smiles pursu`d                   The floating feathers, which the moving air                   Bore loosely from the ground, and wasted here and                       there.                   Or with the wax impertinently play`d,                   And with his childish tricks the great design                       delay`d.                     The final master-stroke at last impos`d,                   And now, the neat machine compleatly clos`d;                   Fitting his pinions on, a flight he tries,                   And hung self-ballanc`d in the beaten skies.                   Then thus instructs his child: My boy, take care                   To wing your course along the middle air;                   If low, the surges wet your flagging plumes;                   If high, the sun the melting wax consumes:                   Steer between both: nor to the northern skies,                   Nor south Orion turn your giddy eyes;                   But follow me: let me before you lay                   Rules for the flight, and mark the pathless way.                   Then teaching, with a fond concern, his son,                   He took the untry`d wings, and fix`d `em on;                   But fix`d with trembling hands; and as he speaks,                   The tears roul gently down his aged cheeks.                   Then kiss`d, and in his arms embrac`d him fast,                   But knew not this embrace must be the last.                   And mounting upward, as he wings his flight,                   Back on his charge he turns his aking sight;                   As parent birds, when first their callow care                   Leave the high nest to tempt the liquid air.                   Then chears him on, and oft, with fatal art,                   Reminds the stripling to perform his part.                     These, as the angler at the silent brook,                   Or mountain-shepherd leaning on his crook,                   Or gaping plowman, from the vale descries,                   They stare, and view `em with religious eyes,                   And strait conclude `em Gods; since none, but they,                   Thro` their own azure skies cou`d find a way.                     Now Delos, Paros on the left are seen,                   And Samos, favour`d by Jove`s haughty queen;                   Upon the right, the isle Lebynthos nam`d,                   And fair Calymne for its honey fam`d.                   When now the boy, whose childish thoughts aspire                   To loftier aims, and make him ramble high`r,                   Grown wild, and wanton, more embolden`d flies                   Far from his guide, and soars among the skies.                   The soft`ning wax, that felt a nearer sun,                   Dissolv`d apace, and soon began to run.                   The youth in vain his melting pinions shakes,                   His feathers gone, no longer air he takes:                   Oh! Father, father, as he strove to cry,                   Down to the sea he tumbled from on high,                   And found his Fate; yet still subsists by fame,                   Among those waters that retain his name.                     The father, now no more a father, cries,                   Ho Icarus! where are you? as he flies;                   Where shall I seek my boy? he cries again,                   And saw his feathers scatter`d on the main.                   Then curs`d his art; and fun`ral rites confer`d,                   Naming the country from the youth interr`d.                     A partridge, from a neighb`ring stump, beheld                   The sire his monumental marble build;                   Who, with peculiar call, and flutt`ring wing,                   Chirpt joyful, and malicious seem`d to sing:                   The only bird of all its kind, and late                   Transform`d in pity to a feather`d state:                   From whence, O Daedalus, thy guilt we date.                     His sister`s son, when now twelve years were                       past,                   Was, with his uncle, as a scholar plac`d;                   The unsuspecting mother saw his parts,                   And genius fitted for the finest arts.                   This soon appear`d; for when the spiny bone                   In fishes` backs was by the stripling known,                   A rare invention thence he learnt to draw,                   Fil`d teeth in ir`n, and made the grating saw.                   He was the first, that from a knob of brass                   Made two strait arms with widening stretch to pass;                   That, while one stood upon the center`s place,                   The other round it drew a circling space.                   Daedalus envy`d this, and from the top                   Of fair Minerva`s temple let him drop;                   Feigning, that, as he lean`d upon the tow`r,                   Careless he stoop`d too much, and tumbled o`er.                     The Goddess, who th` ingenious still befriends,                   On this occasion her asssistance lends;                   His arms with feathers, as he fell, she veils,                   And in the air a new made bird he sails.                   The quickness of his genius, once so fleet,                   Still in his wings remains, and in his feet:                   Still, tho` transform`d, his ancient name he keeps,                   And with low flight the new-shorn stubble sweeps,                   Declines the lofty trees, and thinks it best                   To brood in hedge-rows o`er its humble nest;                   And, in remembrance of the former ill,                   Avoids the heights, and precipices still.                     At length, fatigu`d with long laborious flights,                   On fair Sicilia`s plains the artist lights;                   Where Cocalus the king, that gave him aid,                   Was, for his kindness, with esteem repaid.                   Athens no more her doleful tribute sent,                   That hardship gallant Theseus did prevent;                   Their temples hung with garlands, they adore                   Each friendly God, but most Minerva`s pow`r:                   To her, to Jove, to all, their altars smoak,                   They each with victims, and perfumes invoke.                     Now talking Fame, thro` every Grecian town,                   Had spread, immortal Theseus, thy renown.                   From him the neighb`ring nations in distress,                   In suppliant terms implore a kind redress.   The Story of      From him the Caledonians sought relief;   Meleager and    Though valiant Meleagros was their chief.     Atalanta      The cause, a boar, who ravag`d far and near:                   Of Cynthia`s wrath, th` avenging minister.                   For Oeneus with autumnal plenty bless`d,                   By gifts to Heav`n his gratitude express`d:                   Cull`d sheafs, to Ceres; to Lyaeus, wine;                   To Pan, and Pales, offer`d sheep and kine;                   And fat of olives, to Minerva`s shrine.                   Beginning from the rural Gods, his hand                   Was lib`ral to the Pow`rs of high command:                   Each deity in ev`ry kind was bless`d,                   `Till at Diana`s fane th` invidious honour ceas`d.                     Wrath touches ev`n the Gods; the Queen of Night,                   Fir`d with disdain, and jealous of her right,                   Unhonour`d though I am, at least, said she,                   Not unreveng`d that impious act shall be.                   Swift as the word, she sped the boar away,                   With charge on those devoted fields to prey.                   No larger bulls th` Aegyptian pastures feed,                   And none so large Sicilian meadows breed:                   His eye-balls glare with fire suffus`d with blood;                   His neck shoots up a thick-set thorny wood;                   His bristled back a trench impal`d appears,                   And stands erected, like a field of spears;                   Froth fills his chaps, he sends a grunting sound,                   And part he churns, and part befoams the ground,                   For tusks with Indian elephants he strove,                   And Jove`s own thunder from his mouth he drove.                   He burns the leaves; the scorching blast invades                   The tender corn, and shrivels up the blades:                   Or suff`ring not their yellow beards to rear,                   He tramples down the spikes, and intercepts the                       year:                   In vain the barns expect their promis`d load,                   Nor barns at home, nor recks are heap`d abroad:                   In vain the hinds the threshing-floor prepare,                   And exercise their flail in empty air.                   With olives ever-green the ground is strow`d,                   And grapes ungather`d shed their gen`rous blood.                   Amid the fold he rages, nor the sheep                   Their shepherds, nor the grooms their bulls can                       keep.                     From fields to walls the frighted rabble run,                   Nor think themselves secure within the town:                   `Till Meleagros, and his chosen crew,                   Contemn the danger, and the praise pursue.                   Fair Leda`s twins (in time to stars decreed)                   One fought on foot, one curb`d the fiery steed;                   Then issu`d forth fam`d Jason after these,                   Who mann`d the foremost ship that sail`d the seas;                   Then Theseus join`d with bold Perithous came;                   A single concord in a double name:                   The Thestian sons, Idas who swiftly ran,                   And Ceneus, once a woman, now a man.                   Lynceus, with eagle`s eyes, and lion`s heart;                   Leucippus, with his never-erring dart;                   Acastus, Phileus, Phoenix, Telamon,                   Echion, Lelix, and Eurytion,                   Achilles` father, and great Phocus` son;                   Dryas the fierce, and Hippasus the strong;                   With twice old Iolas, and Nestor then but young.                   Laertes active, and Ancaeus bold;                   Mopsus the sage, who future things foretold;                   And t` other seer, yet by his wife unsold.                   A thousand others of immortal fame;                   Among the rest, fair Atalanta came,                   Grace of the woods: a diamond buckle bound                   Her vest behind, that else had flow`d upon the                       ground,                   And shew`d her buskin`d legs; her head was bare,                   But for her native ornament of hair;                   Which in a simple knot was ty`d above,                   Sweet negligence! unheeded bait of love!                   Her sounding quiver, on her shoulder ty`d,                   One hand a dart, and one a bow supply`d.                   Such was her face, as in a nymph display`d                   A fair fierce boy, or in a boy betray`d                   The blushing beauties of a modest maid.                   The Caledonian chief at once the dame                   Beheld, at once his heart receiv`d the flame,                   With Heav`ns averse. O happy youth, he cry`d;                   For whom thy fates reserve so fair a bride!                   He sigh`d, and had no leisure more to say;                   His honour call`d his eyes another way,                   And forc`d him to pursue the now-neglected prey.                     There stood a forest on a mountain`s brow,                   Which over-look`d the shaded plains below.                   No sounding ax presum`d those trees to bite;                   Coeval with the world, a venerable sight.                   The heroes there arriv`d, some spread around                   The toils; some search the footsteps on the ground:                   Some from the chains the faithful dogs unbound.                   Of action eager, and intent in thought,                   The chiefs their honourable danger sought:                   A valley stood below; the common drain                   Of waters from above, and falling rain:                   The bottom was a moist, and marshy ground,                   Whose edges were with bending oziers crown`d:                   The knotty bulrush next in order stood,                   And all within of reeds a trembling wood.                     From hence the boar was rous`d, and sprung amain,                   Like lightning sudden, on the warrior train;                   Beats down the trees before him, shakes the ground.                   The forest echoes to the crackling sound;                   Shout the fierce youth, and clamours ring around.                   All stood with their protended spears prepar`d,                   With broad steel heads the brandish`d weapons                       glar`d.                   The beast impetuous with his tusks aside                   Deals glancing wounds; the fearful dogs divide:                   All spend their mouths aloof, but none abide.                   Echion threw the first, but miss`d his mark,                   And stuck his boar-spear on a maple`s bark.                   Then Jason; and his javelin seem`d to take,                   But fail`d with over-force, and whiz`d above his                       back.                   Mopsus was next; but e`er he threw, address`d                   To Phoebus, thus: O patron, help thy priest:                   If I adore, and ever have ador`d                   Thy pow`r divine, thy present aid afford;                   That I may reach the beast. The God allow`d                   His pray`r, and smiling, gave him what he cou`d:                   He reach`d the savage, but no blood he drew:                   Dian unarm`d the javelin, as it flew.                     This chaf`d the boar, his nostrils flames expire,                   And his red eye-balls roul with living fire.                   Whirl`d from a sling, or from an engine thrown,                   Amid the foes, so flies a mighty stone,                   As flew the beast: the left wing put to flight,                   The chiefs o`er-born, he rushes on the right.                   Eupalamos and Pelagon he laid                   In dust, and next to death, but for their fellows`                       aid.                   Onesimus far`d worse, prepar`d to fly,                   The fatal fang drove deep within his thigh,                   And cut the nerves: the nerves no more sustain                   The bulk; the bulk unprop`d, falls headlong on the                       plain.                     Nestor had fail`d the fall of Troy to see,                   But leaning on his lance, he vaulted on a tree;                   Then gath`ring up his feet, look`d down with fear,                   And thought his monstrous foe was still too near.                   Against a stump his tusk the monster grinds,                   And in the sharpen`d edge new vigour finds;                   Then, trusting to his arms, young Othrys found,                   And ranch`d his hips with one continu`d wound.                     Now Leda`s twins, the future stars, appear;                   White were their habits, white their horses were:                   Conspicuous both, and both in act to throw,                   Their trembling lances brandish`d at the foe:                   Nor had they miss`d; but he to thickets fled,                   Conceal`d from aiming spears, not pervious to the                       steed.                   But Telamon rush`d in, and happ`d to meet                   A rising root, that held his fastned feet;                   So down he fell, whom, sprawling on the ground,                   His brother from the wooden gyves unbound.                     Mean-time the virgin-huntress was not slow                   T` expel the shaft from her contracted bow:                   Beneath his ear the fastned arrow stood,                   And from the wound appear`d the trickling blood.                   She blush`d for joy: but Meleagros rais`d                   His voice with loud applause, and the fair archer                       prais`d.                   He was the first to see, and first to show                   His friends the marks of the successful blow.                   Nor shall thy valour want the praises due,                   He said; a virtuous envy seiz`d the crew.                   They shout; the shouting animates their hearts,                   And all at once employ their thronging darts:                   But out of order thrown, in air they joyn,                   And multitude makes frustrate the design.                   With both his hands the proud Ancaeus takes,                   And flourishes his double-biting ax:                   Then, forward to his fate, he took a stride                   Before the rest, and to his fellows cry`d,                   Give place, and mark the diff`rence, if you can,                   Between a woman warrior, and a man,                   The boar is doom`d; nor though Diana lend                   Her aid, Diana can her beast defend.                   Thus boasted he; then stretch`d, on tiptoe stood,                   Secure to make his empty promise good.                   But the more wary beast prevents the blow,                   And upward rips the groin of his audacious foe.                   Ancaeus falls; his bowels from the wound                   Rush out, and clotted blood distains the ground.                     Perithous, no small portion of the war,                   Press`d on, and shook his lance: to whom from far                   Thus Theseus cry`d; O stay, my better part,                   My more than mistress; of my heart, the heart.                   The strong may fight aloof; Ancaeus try`d                   His force too near, and by presuming dy`d:                   He said, and while he spake his javelin threw,                   Hissing in air th` unerring weapon flew;                   But on an arm of oak, that stood betwixt                   The marks-man and the mark, his lance he fixt.                     Once more bold Jason threw, but fail`d to wound                   The boar, and slew an undeserving hound,                   And thro` the dog the dart was nail`d to ground.                     Two spears from Meleager`s hand were sent,                   With equal force, but various in th` event:                   The first was fix`d in earth, the second stood                   On the boar`s bristled back, and deeply drank his                       blood.                   Now while the tortur`d savage turns around,                   And flings about his foam, impatient of the wound,                   The wound`s great author close at hand provokes                   His rage, and plies him with redoubled strokes;                   Wheels, as he wheels; and with his pointed dart                   Explores the nearest passage to his heart.                   Quick, and more quick he spins in giddy gires,                   Then falls, and in much foam his soul expires.                   This act with shouts heav`n-high the friendly band                   Applaud, and strain in theirs the victor`s hand.                   Then all approach the slain with vast surprize,                   Admire on what a breadth of earth he lies,                   And scarce secure, reach out their spears afar,                   And blood their points, to prove their partnership                       of war.                     But he, the conqu`ring chief, his foot impress`d                   On the strong neck of that destructive beast;                   And gazing on the nymph with ardent eyes,                   Accept, said he, fair Nonacrine, my prize,                   And, though inferior, suffer me to join                   My labours, and my part of praise, with thine:                   At this presents her with the tusky head                   And chine, with rising bristles roughly spread.                   Glad she receiv`d the gift; and seem`d to take                   With double pleasure, for the giver`s sake.                   The rest were seiz`d with sullen discontent,                   And a deaf murmur through the squadron went:                   All envy`d; but the Thestyan brethren show`d                   The least respect, and thus they vent their spleen                       aloud:                   Lay down those honour`d spoils, nor think to share,                   Weak woman as thou art, the prize of war:                   Ours is the title, thine a foreign claim,                   Since Meleagrus from our lineage came.                   Trust not thy beauty; but restore the prize,                   Which he, besotted on that face, and eyes,                   Would rend from us: at this, enflam`d with spite,                   From her they snatch the gift, from him the giver`s                       right.                     But soon th` impatient prince his fauchion drew,                   And cry`d, Ye robbers of another`s due,                   Now learn the diff`rence, at your proper cost,                   Betwixt true valour, and an empty boast.                   At this advanc`d, and sudden as the word,                   In proud Plexippus` bosom plung`d the sword:                   Toxeus amaz`d, and with amazement slow,                   Or to revenge, or ward the coming blow,                   Stood doubting; and while doubting thus he stood,                   Receiv`d the steel bath`d in his brother`s blood.                     Pleas`d with the first, unknown the second news;                   Althaea to the temples pays their dues                   For her son`s conquest; when at length appear                   Her grisly brethren stretch`d upon the bier:                   Pale at the sudden sight, she chang`d her cheer,                   And with her cheer her robes; but hearing tell                   The cause, the manner, and by whom they fell,                   `Twas grief no more, or grief and rage were one                   Within her soul; at last `twas rage alone;                   Which burning upwards in succession, dries                   The tears, that stood consid`ring in her eyes.                     There lay a log unlighted on the hearth,                   When she was lab`ring in the throws of birth                   For th` unborn chief; the fatal sisters came,                   And rais`d it up, and toss`d it on the flame:                   Then on the rock a scanty measure place                   Of vital flax, and turn`d the wheel apace;                   And turning sung, To this red brand and thee,                   O new born babe, we give an equal destiny;                   So vanish`d out of view. The frighted dame                   Sprung hasty from her bed, and quench`d the flame:                   The log, in secret lock`d, she kept with care,                   And that, while thus preserv`d, preserv`d her heir.                   This brand she now produc`d; and first she strows                   The hearth with heaps of chips, and after blows;                   Thrice heav`d her hand, and heav`d, she thrice                       repress`d:                   The sister and the mother long contest,                   Two doubtful titles, in one tender breast:                   And now her eyes, and cheeks with fury glow,                   Now pale her cheeks, her eyes with pity flow:                   Now low`ring looks presage approaching storms,                   And now prevailing love her face reforms:                   Resolv`d, she doubts again; the tears she dry`d                   With burning rage, are by new tears supply`d;                   And as a ship, which winds and waves assail                   Now with the current drives, now with the gale,                   Both opposite, and neither long prevail:                   She feels a double force, by turns obeys                   Th` imperious tempest, and th` impetuous seas:                   So fares Althaea`s mind, she first relents                   With pity, of that pity then repents:                   Sister, and mother long the scales divide,                   But the beam nodded on the sister`s side.                   Sometimes she softly sigh`d, then roar`d aloud;                   But sighs were stifled in the cries of blood.                     The pious, impious wretch at length decreed,                   To please her brothers` ghost, her son should                       bleed:                   And when the fun`ral flames began to rise,                   Receive, she said, a sister`s sacrifice;                   A mother`s bowels burn: high in her hand,                   Thus while she spoke, she held the fatal brand;                   Then thrice before the kindled pile she bow`d,                   And the three Furies thrice invok`d aloud:                   Come, come, revenging sisters, come, and view                   A sister paying her dead brothers due:                   A crime I punish, and a crime commit;                   But blood for blood, and death for death is fit:                   Great crimes must be with greater crimes repaid,                   And second fun`rals on the former laid.                   Let the whole houshold in one ruin fall,                   And may Diana`s curse o`ertake us all.                   Shall Fate to happy Oenus still allow                   One son, while Thestius stands depriv`d of two?                   Better three lost, than one unpunish`d go.                   Take then, dear ghosts (while yet admitted new                   In Hell you wait my duty), take your due:                   A costly off`ring on your tomb is laid,                   When with my blood the price of yours is paid.                     Ah! whither am I hurry`d? Ah! forgive,                   Ye shades, and let your sister`s issue live;                   A mother cannot give him death; tho` he                   Deserves it, he deserves it not from me.                     Then shall th` unpunish`d wretch insult the                       slain,                   Triumphant live, nor only live, but reign?                   While you, thin shades, the sport of winds, are                       tost                   O`er dreary plains, or tread the burning coast.                   I cannot, cannot bear; `tis past, `tis done;                   Perish this impious, this detested son:                   Perish his sire, and perish I withal;                   And let the house`s heir, and the hop`d kingdom                       fall.                     Where is the mother fled, her pious love,                   And where the pains with which ten months I strove!                   Ah! had`st thou dy`d, my son, in infant years,                   Thy little herse had been bedew`d with tears.                     Thou liv`st by me; to me thy breath resign;                   Mine is the merit, the demerit thine.                   Thy life by double title I require;                   Once giv`n at birth, and once preserv`d from fire:                   One murder pay, or add one murder more,                   And me to them who fell by thee restore.                     I would, but cannot: my son`s image stands                   Before my sight; and now their angry hands                   My brothers hold, and vengeance these exact;                   This pleads compassion, and repents the fact.                     He pleads in vain, and I pronounce his doom:                   My brothers, though unjustly, shall o`ercome.                   But having paid their injur`d ghosts their due,                   My son requires my death, and mine shall his                       pursue.                     At this, for the last time, she lifts her hand,                   Averts her eyes, and, half unwilling, drops the                       brand.                   The brand, amid the flaming fewel thrown,                   Or drew, or seem`d to draw, a dying groan;                   The fires themselves but faintly lick`d their prey,                   Then loath`d their impious food, and would have                       shrunk away.                     Just then the heroe cast a doleful cry,                   And in those absent flames began to fry:                   The blind contagion rag`d within his veins;                   But he with manly patience bore his pains:                   He fear`d not Fate, but only griev`d to die                   Without an honest wound, and by a death so dry.                   Happy Ancaeus, thrice aloud he cry`d,                   With what becoming fate in arms he dy`d!                   Then call`d his brothers, sisters, sire around,                   And, her to whom his nuptial vows were bound,                   Perhaps his mother; a long sigh she drew,                   And his voice failing, took his last adieu.                   For as the flames augment, and as they stay                   At their full height, then languish to decay,                   They rise and sink by fits; at last they soar                   In one bright blaze, and then descend no more:                   Just so his inward heats, at height, impair,                   `Till the last burning breath shoots out the soul                       in air.                     Now lofty Calidon in ruins lies;                   All ages, all degrees unsluice their eyes,                   And Heav`n, and Earth resound with murmurs, groans,                       and cries.                   Matrons and maidens beat their breasts, and tear                   Their habits, and root up their scatter`d hair:                   The wretched father, father now no more,                   With sorrow sunk, lies prostrate on the floor,                   Deforms his hoary locks with dust obscene,                   And curses age, and loaths a life prolong`d with                       pain.                   By steel her stubborn soul his mother freed,                   And punish`d on her self her impious deed.                     Had I a hundred tongues, a wit so large                   As could their hundred offices discharge;                   Had Phoebus all his Helicon bestow`d                   In all the streams, inspiring all the God;                   Those tongues, that wit, those streams, that God in                       vain                   Would offer to describe his sisters` pain:                   They beat their breasts with many a bruizing blow,                   `Till they turn livid, and corrupt the snow.                   The corps they cherish, while the corps remains,                   And exercise, and rub with fruitless pains;                   And when to fun`ral flames `tis born away,                   They kiss the bed on which the body lay:                   And when those fun`ral flames no longer burn                   (The dust compos`d within a pious urn),                   Ev`n in that urn their brother they confess,                   And hug it in their arms, and to their bosoms                       press.                     His tomb is rais`d; then, stretch`d along the                       ground,                   Those living monuments his tomb surround:                   Ev`n to his name, inscrib`d, their tears they pay,                   `Till tears, and kisses wear his name away.                     But Cynthia now had all her fury spent,                   Not with less ruin than a race content:                   Excepting Gorge, perish`d all the seed,                   And her whom Heav`n for Hercules decreed.                   Satiate at last, no longer she pursu`d                   The weeping sisters; but With Wings endu`d,                   And horny beaks, and sent to flit in air;                   Who yearly round the tomb in feather`d flocks                       repair.        The        Theseus mean-while acquitting well his share  Transformation   In the bold chace confed`rate like a war,   of the Naiads   To Athens` lofty tow`rs his march ordain`d,                   By Pallas lov`d, and where Erectheus reign`d.                   But Achelous stop`d him on the way,                   By rains a deluge, and constrain`d his stay.                     O fam`d for glorious deeds, and great by blood,                   Rest here, says he, nor trust the rapid flood;                   It solid oaks has from its margin tore,                   And rocky fragments down its current bore,                   The murmur hoarse, and terrible the roar.                   Oft have I seen herds with their shelt`ring fold                   Forc`d from the banks, and in the torrent roul`d;                   Nor strength the bulky steer from ruin freed,                   Nor matchless swiftness sav`d the racing steed.                   In cataracts when the dissolving snow                   Falls from the hills, and floods the plains below;                   Toss`d by the eddies with a giddy round,                   Strong youths are in the sucking whirlpools                       drown`d.                   `Tis best with me in safety to abide,                   `Till usual bounds restrain the ebbing tide,                   And the low waters in their channel glide.                     Theseus perswaded, in compliance bow`d:                   So kind an offer, and advice so good,                   O Achelous, cannot be refus`d;                   I`ll use them both, said he; and both he us`d.                     The grot he enter`d, pumice built the hall,                   And tophi made the rustick of the wall;                   The floor, soft moss, an humid carpet spread,                   And various shells the chequer`d roof inlaid.                   `Twas now the hour when the declining sun                   Two thirds had of his daily journey run;                   At the spread table Theseus took his place,                   Next his companions in the daring chace;                   Perithous here, there elder Lelex lay,                   His locks betraying age with sprinkled grey.                   Acharnia`s river-God dispos`d the rest,                   Grac`d with the equal honour of the feast,                   Elate with joy, and proud of such a guest.                   The nymphs were waiters, and with naked feet                   In order serv`d the courses of the meat.                   The banquet done, delicious wine they brought,                   Of one transparent gem the cup was wrought.                     Then the great heroe of this gallant train,                   Surveying far the prospect of the main:                   What is that land, says he, the waves embrace?                   (And with his finger pointed at the place);                   Is it one parted isle which stands alone?                   How nam`d? and yet methinks it seems not one.                   To whom the watry God made this reply;                   `Tis not one isle, but five; distinct they lye;                   `Tis distance which deceives the cheated eye.                   But that Diana`s act may seem less strange,                   These once proud Naiads were, before their change.                   `Twas on a day more solemn than the rest,                   Ten bullocks slain, a sacrificial feast:                   The rural Gods of all the region near                   They bid to dance, and taste the hallow`d cheer.                   Me they forgot: affronted with the slight,                   My rage, and stream swell`d to the greatest height;                   And with the torrent of my flooding store,                   Large woods from woods, and fields from fields I                       tore.                   The guilty nymphs, oh! then, remembring me,                   I, with their country, wash`d into the sea;                   And joining waters with the social main,                   Rent the gross land, and split the firm champagne.                   Since, the Echinades, remote from shore                   Are view`d as many isles, as nymphs before.     Perimele        But yonder far, lo, yonder does appear    turn`d into    An isle, a part to me for ever dear.     an Island     From that (it sailors Perimele name)                   I doating, forc`d by rape a virgin`s fame.                   Hippodamas`s passion grew so strong,                   Gall`d with th` abuse, and fretted at the wrong,                   He cast his pregnant daughter from a rock;                   I spread my waves beneath, and broke the shock;                   And as her swimming weight my stream convey`d,                   I su`d for help divine, and thus I pray`d:                   O pow`rful thou, whose trident does command                   The realm of waters, which surround the land;                   We sacred rivers, wheresoe`er begun,                   End in thy lot, and to thy empire run.                   With favour hear, and help with present aid;                   Her whom I bear `twas guilty I betray`d.                   Yet if her father had been just, or mild,                   He would have been less impious to his child;                   In her, have pity`d force in the abuse;                   In me, admitted love for my excuse.                   O let relief for her hard case be found,                   Her, whom paternal rage expell`d from ground,                   Her, whom paternal rage relentless drown`d.                   Grant her some place, or change her to a place,                   Which I may ever clasp with my embrace.                     His nodding head the sea`s great ruler bent,                   And all his waters shook with his assent.                   The nymph still swam, tho` with the fright                       distrest,                   I felt her heart leap trembling in her breast;                   But hardning soon, whilst I her pulse explore,                   A crusting Earth cas`d her stiff body o`er;                   And as accretions of new-cleaving soil                   Inlarg`d the mass, the nymph became an isle.   The Story of      Thus Achelous ends: his audience hear    Baucis and     With admiration, and admiring, fear     Philemon      The Pow`rs of Heav`n; except Ixion`s Son,                   Who laugh`d at all the Gods, believ`d in none:                   He shook his impious head, and thus replies.                   These legends are no more than pious lies:                   You attribute too much to heav`nly sway,                   To think they give us forms, and take away.                     The rest of better minds, their sense declar`d                   Against this doctrine, and with horror heard.                   Then Lelex rose, an old experienc`d man,                   And thus with sober gravity began;                   Heav`n`s pow`r is infinite: Earth, Air, and Sea,                   The manufacture mass, the making Pow`r obey:                   By proof to clear your doubt; in Phrygian ground                   Two neighb`ring trees, with walls encompass`d                       round,                   Stand on a mod`rate rise, with wonder shown,                   One a hard oak, a softer linden one:                   I saw the place, and them, by Pittheus sent                   To Phrygian realms, my grandsire`s government.                   Not far from thence is seen a lake, the haunt                   Of coots, and of the fishing cormorant:                   Here Jove with Hermes came; but in disguise                   Of mortal men conceal`d their deities;                   One laid aside his thunder, one his rod;                   And many toilsome steps together trod:                   For harbour at a thousand doors they knock`d,                   Not one of all the thousand but was lock`d.                   At last an hospitable house they found,                   A homely shed; the roof, not far from ground,                   Was thatch`d with reeds, and straw, together bound.                   There Baucis and Philemon liv`d, and there                   Had liv`d long marry`d, and a happy pair:                   Now old in love, though little was their store,                   Inur`d to want, their poverty they bore,                   Nor aim`d at wealth, professing to be poor.                   For master, or for servant here to call,                   Was all alike, where only two were all.                   Command was none, where equal love was paid,                   Or rather both commanded, both obey`d.                     From lofty roofs the Gods repuls`d before,                   Now stooping, enter`d through the little door:                   The man (their hearty welcome first express`d)                   A common settle drew for either guest,                   Inviting each his weary limbs to rest.                   But ere they sate, officious Baucis lays                   Two cushions stuff`d with straw, the seat to raise;                   Coarse, but the best she had; then rakes the load                   Of ashes from the hearth, and spreads abroad                   The living coals; and, lest they should expire,

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