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John Masefield - DauberJohn Masefield - Dauber
Work rating: Low

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I Four bells were struck, the watch was called on deck, All work aboard was over for the hour, And some men sang and others played at check, Or mended clothes or watched the sunset glower. The bursting west was like an opening flower, And one man watched it till the light was dim, But no one went across to talk to him. He was the painter in that swift ship`s crew, Lampman and painter-tall, a slight-built man, Young for his years, and not yet twenty-two; Sickly, and not yet brown with the sea`s tan. Bullied and damned at since the voyage began, "Being neither man nor seaman by his tally," He bunked with the idlers just abaft the galley. His work began at five; he worked all day, Keeping no watch and having all night in. His work was what the mate might care to say; He mixed red lead in many a bouilli tin; His dungarees were smeared with paraffin. "Go drown himself" his round-house mates advised him, And all hands called him "Dauber" and despised him. Si, the apprentice, stood beside the spar, Stripped to the waist, a basin at his side, Slushing his hands to get away the tar, And then he washed himself and rinsed and dried; Towelling his face,, hair-towzelled, eager eyed, He crossed the spar to Dauber, and there stood Watching the gold of heaven turn to blood. They stood there by the rail while the swift ship Tore on out of the tropics, straining her sheets, Whitening her trackway to a milky strip, Dim with green bubbles and twisted water meets, Her clacking tackle tugged at pins and cleats, Her great sails bellied stiff, her great masts leaned: They watched how the seas struck and burst and greened. Si talked with Dauber, standing by the side. "Why did you come to sea, painter?" he said. "I want to be a painter," he replied, "And know the sea and ships from A to Z, And paint great ships at sea before I`m dead; Ships under skysails running down the Trade Ships and the sea; there`s nothing finer made. "But there`s so much to learn, with sails and ropes, And how the sails look, full or being furled, And how the lights change in the troughs and slopes, And the sea`s colours up and down the world, And how a storm looks when the sprays are hurled High as the yard (they say) I want to see; There`s none ashore can teach such things to me. "And then the men and rigging, and the way Ships move, running or beating, and the poise At the roll`s end, the checking in the sway-- I want to paint them perfect, short of the noise; And then the life, the half-decks full of boys, The fo`c`s`les with the men there, dripping wet: I know the subjects that I want to get. "It`s not been done, the sea, not yet been done, From the inside, by one who really knows; I`d give up all if I could be the one, But art comes dear the way the money goes. So I have come to sea, and I suppose Three years will teach me all I want to learn And make enough to keep me till I earn." Even as he spoke his busy pencil moved, Drawing the leap of water off the side Where the great clipper trampled iron-hooved, Making the blue hills of the sea divide, Shearing a glittering scatter in her stride, And leaping on full tilt with all sails drawing, Proud as a war-horse, snuffing battle, pawing. "I cannot get it yet-not yet," he said; "That leap and light, and sudden change to green, And all the glittering from the sunset`s red, And the milky colours where the bursts have been, And then the clipper striding like a queen Over it all, all beauty to the crown. I see it all, I cannot put it down. "It`s hard not to be able. There, look there! I cannot get the movement nor the light; Sometimes it almost makes a man despair To try and try and never get it right. Oh, if I could-oh, if I only might, I wouldn`t mind what hells I`d have to pass, Not if the whole world called me fool and ass. Down sank the crimson sun into the sea, The wind cut chill at once, the west grew dun. "Out sidelights!" called the mate. "Hi, where is he?" The Boatswain called, "Out sidelights, damn you! Run!" "He`s always late or lazing," murmured one" The Dauber, with his sketching." Soon the tints Of red and green passed on dark waterglints. Darker it grew, still darker, and the stars Burned golden, and the fiery fishes came. The wire-note loudened from the straining spars; The sheet-blocks clacked together always the same; The rushing fishes streaked the seas with flame, Racing the one speed noble as their own: What unknown joy was in those fish unknown! Just by the round-house door, as it grew dark, The Boatswain caught the Dauber with, "Now, you; Till now I`ve spared you, damn you! now you hark: I`ve just had hell for what you didn`t do; I`ll have you broke and sent among the crew If you get me more trouble by a particle. Don`t you forget, you daubing, useless article! "You thing, you twice-laid thing from Port Mahon!`` Then came the Cook`s "Is that the Dauber there? Why don`t you leave them stinking paints alone? They stink the house out, poisoning all the air. Just take them out." "Where to?" "I don`t care where. I won`t have stinking paint here." From their plates: "That`s right; wet paint breeds fever," growled his mates. He took his still wet drawings from the berth And climbed the ladder to the deck-house top; Beneath, the noisy half-deck rang with mirth, For two ship`s boys were putting on the strop: One, clambering up to let the skylight drop, Saw him bend down beneath a boat and lay His drawings there, till all were hid away. And stand there silent, leaning on the boat, Watching the constellations rise and bum, Until the beauty took him by the throat, So stately is their glittering overturn; Armies of marching eyes, armies that yearn With banners rising and falling, and passing by Over the empty silence of the sky. The Dauber sighed there looking at the sails, Wind-steadied arches leaning on the night, The high trucks traced on heaven and left no trails; The moonlight made the topsails almost white, The passing sidelight seemed to drip green light. And on the clipper rushed with fire-bright bows; He sighed, "I`ll never do`t," and left the house. "Now," said the reefer, "up! Come Sam; come, Si, Dauber`s been hiding something." Up they slid, Treading on naked tiptoes stealthily To grope for treasure at the long-boat skid. "Drawings!" said Sam. "Is this what Dauber hid? Lord! I expected pudding, not this rot. Still, come, we`ll have some fun with what we`ve got." They smeared the paint with turpentine until They could remove with mess-clouts every trace Of quick perception caught by patient skill, And lines that had brought blood into his face. They wiped the pigments off and did erase, With knives, all sticking clots, When they had done. Under the boat they laid them every one. All he had drawn since first he came to sea, His six weeks` leisure fruits, they laid them there. They chuckled then to think how mad he`d be Finding his paintings vanished into air. Eight bells were struck, and feet from everywhere Went shuffling aft to muster in the dark; The mate`s pipe glowed above, a dim red spark. Names in the darkness passed and voices cried; The red spark glowed and died, the faces seemed As things remembered when a brain has died, To all but high intenseness deeply dreamed. Like hissing spears the fishes` fire streamed, And on the clipper rushed with tossing mast, A bath of flame broke round her as she passed. The watch was set, the night came, and the men Hid from the moon in shadowed nooks to sleep, Bunched like the dead-, still, like the dead, as when Plague in a city leaves none even to weep. The ship`s track brightened to a mile-broad sweep; The mate there felt her pulse, and eyed the spars: South-west by south she staggered under the stars. Down in his bunk the Dauber lay awake Thinking of his unfitness for the sea. Each failure, each derision, each mistake, There in the life not made for such as he; A morning grim with trouble sure to be, A noon of pain from failure, and a night Bitter with men`s contemning and despite. This is the first beginning, the green leaf, Still in the Trades before bad weather fell; What harvest would he reap of hate and grief When the loud Horn made every life a hell? When the sick ship lay over, clanging her bell, And no time came for painting or for drawing, But all hands fought, and icy death came clawing? Hell, he expected,-hell. His eyes grew blind; The snoring from his messmates droned and snuffled, And then a gush of pity calmed his mind. The cruel torment of his thought was muffled, Without, on deck, an old, old, seaman shuffled, Humming his song, and through the open door A moonbeam moved and thrust along the floor. The green bunk curtains moved, the brass rings clicked, The Cook cursed in his sleep, turning and turning, The moonbeams` moving finger touched and picked, And all the stars in all the sky were burning. "This is the art I`ve come for, and am learning, The sea and ships and men and travelling things. It is most proud, whatever pain it brings." He leaned upon his arm and watched the light Sliding and fading to the steady roll; This he would some day paint, the ship at night, And sleeping seamen tired to the soul; The space below the bunks as black as coal, Gleams upon chests, upon the unlit lamp, The ranging door hook, and the locker clamp. This he would paint, and that, and all these scenes, And proud ships carrying on, and men their minds, And blues of rollers toppling into greens, And shattering into white that bursts and blinds, And scattering ships running erect like hinds, And men in oilskins beating down a sail High on the yellow yard, in snow, in hail. With faces ducked down from the slanting drive Of half-thawed hail mixed with half-frozen spray, The roaring canvas like a thing alive, Shaking the mast, knocking their hands away, The foot-ropes jerking to the tug and sway, The savage eyes salt-reddened at the rims, And icicles on the south-wester brims. And sunnier scenes would grow under his brush, The tropic dawn with all things dropping dew, The darkness and the wonder and the hush, The insensate grey before the marvel grew; Then the veil lifted from the trembling blue, The walls of sky burst in, the flower, the rose, All the expanse of heaven a mind that glows. He turned out of his bunk; the Cook still tossed, One of the other two spoke in his sleep. A cockroach scuttled where the moonbeam crossed; Outside there was the ship, the night, the deep. "It is worth while," the youth said; "I will keep To my resolve, I`ll learn to paint all this. My Lord, my God, how beautiful it is!" Outside was the ship`s rush to the wind`s hurry, A resonant wire-hum from every rope, The broadening bow-wash in a fiery flurry, The leaning masts in their majestic slope, And all things strange with moonlight: filled with hope By all that beauty going as man bade, He turned and slept in peace. Eight bells were made. II Next day was Sunday, his free painting day, While the fine weather held, from eight till eight. He rose when called at five, and did array The round-house gear, and set the kit-bags straight; Then kneeling down, like housemaid at a grate, He scrubbed the deck with sand until his knees Were blue with dye from his wet dungarees. Soon all was clean, his Sunday tasks were done; His day was clear for painting as he chose. The wetted decks were drying in the sun, The men coiled up, or swabbed, or sought repose. The drifts of silver arrows fell and rose As flying fish took wing; the breakfast passed, Wasting good time, but he was free at last. Free for two hours and more to tingle deep, Catching a likeness in a line or tint, The canvas running up in a proud sweep, Wind-wrinkled at the clews, and white like lint, The glittering of the blue waves into glint; Free to attempt it all, the proud ship`s pawings, The sea, the sky-he went to fetch his drawings. Up to the deck-house top he quickly climbed, He stooped to find them underneath the boat. He found them all obliterated, slimed, Blotted, erased, gone from him line and note. They were all spoiled: a lump came in his throat, Being vain of his attempts, and tender skinned Beneath the skylight watching reefers grinned. He clambered down, holding the ruined things. "Bosun," he called, "look here, did you do these: Wipe off my paints and cut them into strings, And smear them till you can`t tell chalk from cheese? Don`t stare, but did you do it? Answer, please." The Bosun turned: "I`ll give you a thick ear! Do it! I didn`t. Get to hell from here! "I touch your stinking daubs? The Dauber`s daft." A crowd was gathering now to hear the fun; The reefers tumbled out, the men laid aft, The Cook blinked, cleaning a mess kid in the sun. "What`s up with Dauber now?" said everyone. "Someone has spoiled my drawings-look at this!" "Well, that`s a dirty trick, by God, it is!" "It is," said Sam, "a low-down dirty trick, To spoil a fellow`s work in such a way, And if you catch him, Dauber, punch him sick, For he deserves it, be he who he may." A seaman shook his old head wise and grey. "It seems to me," he said, "who ain`t no judge, Them drawings look much better now they`re smudge." "Where were they, Dauber? On the deck-house? Where ?" "Under the long-boat, in a secret place." "The blackguard must have seen you put them there. He is a swine! I tell him to his face: I didn`t think we`d anyone so base." "Nor I," said Dauber. "There was six weeks` time Just wasted in these drawings: it`s a crime!" "Well, don`t you say we did it," growled his mates, "And as for crime, be damned! the things were smears Best overboard, like you, with shot for weights; Thank God they`re gone, and now go shake your ears." The Dauber listened, very near to tears. "Dauber, if I were you," said Sam again, "I`d aft, and see the Captain and complain." A sigh came from the assembled seamen there. Would he be such a fool for their delight As go to tell the Captain? Would he dare? And would the thunder roar, the lightning smite? There was the Captain come to take a sight, Handling his sextant by the chart-house aft. The Dauber turned, the seamen thought him daft. The Captain took his sights-a mate below Noted the times; they shouted to each other, The Captain quick with "Stop," the answer slow, Repeating slowly one height then another. The swooping clipper stumbled through the smother, The ladder brasses in the sunlight burned, The Dauber waited till the Captain turned. There stood the Dauber, humbled to the bone, Waiting to speak. The Captain let him wait, Glanced at the course, and called in even tone, "What is the man there wanting, Mr. Mate ? The logship clattered on the grating straight, The reel rolled to the scuppers with a clatter, The Mate came grim: "Well, Dauber, what`s the matter?" " Please, Sir, they spoiled my drawings." "Who did?" "They." "Who`s they?" "I don`t quite know, Sir." "Don`t quite know, sir? Then why are you aft to talk about it, hey? Whom d`you complain of?" "No one." "No one?" "No, sir." "Well, then, go forward till you`ve found them. Go, Sir. If you complain of someone, then I`ll see. Now get to hell! and don`t come bothering me." "But, Sir, they washed them off, and some they cut. Look here, Sir, how they spoiled them." "Never mind. Go shove your head inside the scuttle butt, And that will make you cooler. You will find Nothing like water when you`re mad and blind. Where were the drawings? in your chest, or where?" "Under the long-boat, Sir; I put them there." "Under the long-boat, hey? Now mind your tip. I`ll have the skids kept clear with nothing round them; The long-boat ain`t a store in this here ship. Lucky for you it wasn`t I who found them. If I had seen them, Dauber, I`d have drowned them. Now you be warned by this. I tell you plain-- Don`t stow your brass-rags under boats again. "Go forward to your berth." The Dauber turned. The listeners down below them winked and smiled, Knowing how red the Dauber`s temples burned, Having lost the case about his only child. His work was done to nothing and defiled, And there was no redress: the Captain`s voice Spoke, and called "Painter," making him rejoice. The Captain and the Mate conversed together. "Drawings, you tell me, Mister?" "Yes, sir; views: Wiped off with turps, I gather that`s his blether. He says they`re things he can`t afford to lose. He`s Dick, who came to sea in dancing shoes, And found the dance a bear dance. They were hidden Under the long-boat`s chocks, which I`ve forbidden." "Wiped off with turps?" The Captain sucked his lip. "Who did it, Mister?" "Reefers, I suppose; Them devils do the most pranks in a ship; The round-house might have done it, Cook or Bose." "I can`t take notice of it till he knows. How does he do his work?" "Well, no offence; He tries; he does his best. He`s got no sense." "Painter," the Captain called; the Dauber came. " "What`s all this talk of drawings? What`s the matter?" "They spoiled my drawings, sir.`` "Well, who`s to blame? The long-boat`s there for no one to get at her; You broke the rules, and if you choose to scatter Gear up and down where it`s no right to be, And suffer as result, don`t come to me. "Your place is in the round-house, and your gear Belongs where you belong. Who spoiled your things? Find out who spoiled your things and fetch him here." "But, sir, they cut the canvas into strings." `I want no argument nor questionings. Go back where you belong and say no more, And please remember that you`re not on shore." The Dauber touched his brow and slunk away-- They eyed his going with a bitter eye. "Dauber," said Sam, "what did the Captain say?" The Dauber drooped his head without reply. "Go forward, Dauber, and enjoy your cry." The Mate limped to the rail; like little feet Over his head the drumming reef-points beat. The Dauber reached the berth and entered in, Much mockery followed after as he went, And each face seemed to greet him with the grin Of hounds hot following on a creature spent. "Aren`t you a fool?" each mocking visage meant. "Who did it, Dauber? What did Captain say? It is a crime, and there`ll be hell to pay." He bowed his head, the house was full of smoke; The Sails was pointing shackes on his chest. "Lord, Dauber, be a man and take a joke" He puffed his pipe----" and let the matter rest. Spit brown, my son, and get a hairy breast; Get shoulders on you at the crojick braces, And let this painting business go to blazes. "What good can painting do to anyone? I don`t say never do it; far from that-- No harm in sometimes painting just for fun. Keep it for fun, and stick to what you`re at. Your job`s to fill your bones up and get fat; Rib up like Barney`s bull, and thick your neck. Throw paints to hell, boy; you belong on deck." "That`s right," said Chips; "It`s down-right good advice. Painting`s no good; what good can painting do Up on a lower topsail stiff with ice, With all your little fish-hooks frozen blue? Painting won`t help you at the weather clew, Nor pass your gaskets for you, nor make sail. Painting`s a balmy job not worth a nail." The Dauber did not answer; time was passing. He pulled his easel out, his paints, his stool. The wind was dropping, and the sea was glassing New realms of beauty waited for his rule; The draught out of the crojick kept him cool. He sat to paint, alone and melancholy. "No turning fools," the Chips said, "from their folly." He dipped his brush and tried to fix a line And then came peace, and gentle beauty came, Turning his spirit`s water into wine, Lightening his darkness with a touch of flame: O, joy of trying for beauty, ever the same, You never fail, your comforts never end; O, balm of this world`s way; O, perfect friend! III They lost the Trades soon after; then came calm, Light little gusts and rain, which soon increased To glorious northers shouting out a psalm At seeing the bright blue water silver fleeced; Hornwards she rushed, trampling the seas to yeast. There fell a rain-squall in a blind day`s end When for an hour the Dauber found a friend. Out of the rain the voices called and passed, The stay-sails flogged, the tackle yanked and shook. Inside the harness-room a lantern cast Light and wild shadows as it ranged its hook. The watch on deck was gathered in the nook, They had taken shelter in that secret place, Wild light gave wild emotions to each face. One beat the beef-cask, and the others sang A song that had brought anchors out of seas In ports where bells of Christians never rang, Nor any sea mark blazed among the trees. By forlorn swamps, in ice, by windy keys, That song had sounded; now it shook the air From these eight wanderers brought together there. Under the poop-break, sheltering from the rain, The Dauber sketched some likeness of the room, A note to be a prompting to his brain, A spark to make old memory reillume. Dauber," said someone near him in the gloom, "How goes it, Dauber?" It was reefer Si. "There`s not much use in trying to keep dry." They sat upon the sail-room doorway coaming, The lad held forth like youth, the Dauber listened To how the boy had had a taste for roaming, And what the sea is said to be and isn`t. Where the dim lamplight fell the wet deck glistened. I said the Horn was still some weeks away, "But tell me, Dauber, where d`you hail from? Eh?" The rain blew past and let the stars appear; The seas grew larger as the moonlight grew; For half an hour the ring of heaven was clear, Dusty with moonlight, grey rather than blue; In that great moon the showing stars were few. The sleepy time-boy`s feet passed overhead. "I come from out past Gloucester," Dauber said; "Not far from Pauntley, if you know those parts; The place is Spital Farm, near Silver Hill, Above a trap-hatch where a mill-stream starts. We had the mill once, but we`ve stopped the mill; My dad and sister keep the farm on still. We`re only tenants, but we`ve rented there, Father and son, for over eighty year. "Father has worked the farm since grandfer went; It means the world to him; I can`t think why. They bleed him to the last half-crown for rent, And this and that have almost milked him dry. The land`s all starved; if he`d put money by, And corn was up, and rent was down two-thirds. . . But then they aren`t, so what`s the use of words. "Yet still he couldn`t bear to see it pass To strangers, or to think a time would come When other men than us would mow the grass, And other names than ours have the home. Some sorrows come from evil thought, but some Comes when two men are near, and both are blind To what is generous in the other`s mind. "I was the only boy, and father thought I`d farm the Spital after he was dead, And many a time he took me out and taught About manures and seed-corn white and red, And soils and hops, but I`d an empty head; Harvest or seed, I would not do a turn-- I loathed the farm,I didn`t want to learn. "He did not mind at first, he thought it youth Feeling the collar, and that I should change. Then time gave him some inklings of the truth, And that I loathed the farm, and wished to range. Truth to a man of fifty`s always strange; It was most strange and terrible to him That I, his heir, should be the devil`s limb. "Yet still he hoped the Lord might change my mind. I`d see him bridle-in his wrath and hate, And almost break my heart he was so kind, Biting his lips sore with resolve to wait. And then I`d try awhile; but it was Fate: I didn`t want to learn; the farm to me Was mire and hopeless work and misery. "Though there were things I loved about it, too-- The beasts, the apple-trees, and going haying. And then I tried; but no, it wouldn`t do, The farm was prison, and my thoughts were straying. And there`d come father, with his grey head, praying, `O, my dear son, don`t let the Spital pass; It`s my old home, boy, where your grandfer was. "`And now you won`t learn farming; you don`t care The old home`s nought to you. I`ve tried to teach you; `ve begged Almighty God, boy, all I dare, To use His hand if word of mine won`t reach you. Boy, for your granfer`s sake I do beseech you, Don`t let the Spital pass to strangers. Squire Has said he`d give it you if we require. "`Your mother used to walk here, boy, with me; It was her favourite walk down to the mill; And there we`d talk how little death would be, Knowing our work was going on here still. You`ve got the brains, you only want the will-- Don`t disappoint your mother and your father. I`ll give you time to travel, if you`d rather.` "But, no, I`d wander up the brooks to read. Then sister Jane would start with nagging tongue, Saying my sin made father`s heart to bleed, And how she feared she`d live to see me hung. And then she`d read me bits from Dr. Young. And when we three would sit to supper, Jane Would fillip dad till dad began again. "`I`ve been here all my life, boy. I was born Up in the room above looks on the mead. I never thought you`d cockle my clean corn, And leave the old home to a stranger`s seed. Father and I have made here `thout a weed: We`ve give our lives to make that. Eighty years. And now I go down to the grave in tears.` "And then I`d get ashamed and take off coat, And work maybe a week, ploughing and sowing And then I`d creep away and sail my boat, Or watch the water when the mill was going. That`s my delight-to be near water flowing, Dabbling or sailing boats or jumping stanks, Or finding moorhens` nests along the banks. "And one day father found a ship I`d built; He took the cart-whip to me over that, And I, half mad with pain, and sick with guilt, Went up and hid in what we called the flat, A dusty hole given over to the cat. She kittened there; the kittens had worn paths Among the cobwebs, dust, and broken laths. "And putting down my hand between the beams I felt a leathery thing, and pulled it clear: A book with white cocoons stuck in the seams. Where spiders had had nests for many a year. It was my mother`s sketch-book; hid, I fear, Lest dad should ever see it. Mother`s life Was not her own while she was father`s wife. "There were her drawings dated, pencilled faint. March was the last one, eighteen eighty-three, Unfinished that, for tears had smeared the paint. The rest was landscape, not yet brought to be. That was a holy afternoon to me; That book a sacred book; the flat a place Where I could meet my mother face to face. "She had found peace of spirit, mother had, Drawing the landscape from the attic there Heart-broken, often, after rows with dad, Hid like a wild thing in a secret lair. That rotting sketch-book showed me how and where I, too, could get away; and then I knew That drawing was the work I longed to do. Drawing became my life, I drew, I toiled, And every penny I could get I spent On paints and artists`s matters, which I spoiled Up in the attic to my heart`s content, Till one day father asked me what I meant; The time had come, he said, to make an end. Now it must finish; what did I intend? Either I took to farming, like his son, In which case he would teach me, early and late (provided that my daubing mood was done), Or I must go; it must be settled straight. If I refused to farm, there was the gate. I was to choose, his patience was all gone, The present state of things could not go on. "Sister was there; she eyed me while he spoke. The kitchen clock ran down and struck the hour, And something told me father`s heart was broke, For all he stood so set and looked so sour. Jane took a duster, and began to scour A pewter on the dresser; she was crying. I stood stock still a long time, not replying. "Dad waited, then he snorted and turned round. Well, think of it,-` he said. He left the room, His boots went Clop along the stony ground Out to the orchard and the apple-bloom. A cloud came past the sun and made a gloom; I swallowed with dry lips, then sister turned. She was dead white but for her eyes that burned. "`You`re breaking father`s heart, Joe,` she began; `It`s not as if---? she checked, in too much pain. `O, Joe, don`t help to kill so fine a man; You`re giving him our mother over again. It`s wearing him to death, Joe, heart and brain; You know what store he sets on leaving this To (it`s too cruel)-to a son of his. "`Yet you go painting all the day. O, Joe, Couldn`t you make an effort? Can`t you see What folly it is of yours? It`s not as though You are a genius or could ever be. O, Joe, for father`s sake, if not for me, Give up this craze for painting, and be wise And work with father, where your duty lies.` "`It goes too deep,` I said; `I loathe the farm; I couldn`t help, even if I`d the mind. Even if I helped, I`d only do him harm; Father would see it, if he were not blind. I was not built to farm, as he would find. O, Jane, its bitter hard to stand alone And spoil my father`s life or spoil my own.` "`Spoil both`, she said, `the way you`re shaping now. You`re only a boy not knowing your own good. Where will you go, suppose you leave here? How Do you propose to earn your daily food? Draw? Daub the pavements? There`s a feckless brood Goes to the devil daily, Joe, in cities Only from thinking how divine their wit is. "`Clouds are they, without water, carried away. And you`ll be one of them, the way you`re going, Daubing at silly pictures all the day, And praised by silly fools who`re always blowing. And you choose this when you might go a-sowing, Casting the good corn into chosen mould That shall in time bring forth a hundred-fold,` "So we went on, but in the end it ended. I felt I`d done a murder; I felt sick. There`s much in human minds cannot be mended, And that, not I, played dad a cruel trick. There was one mercy: that it ended quick. I went to join my mother`s brother: he Lived down the Severn. He was kind to me. "And there I learned house-painting for a living. I`d have been happy there, but that I knew I`d sinned before my father past forgiving, And that they sat at home, that silent two, Wearing the fire out and the evening through, Silent, defeated, broken, in despair, My plate unset, my name gone, and my chair. "I saw all that; and sister Jane came white White as a ghost, with fiery, weeping eyes. I saw her all day long and half the night, Bitter as gall, and passionate and wise. `Joe, you have killed your father: there he lies. You have done your work-you with our mother`s ways. She said it plain, and then her eyes would blaze. "And then one day I had a job to do Down below bridge, by where the docks begin, And there I saw a clipper towing through, Up from the sea that morning, entering in. Raked to the nines she was, lofty and thin, Her ensign ruffling red, her bunts in pile, Beauty and strength together, wonder, style. "She docked close to the gates, and there she lay Over the water from me, well in sight; And as I worked I watched her all the day, Finding her beauty ever fresh delight. Her house-flag was bright green with strips of white; High in the sunny air it rose to shake Above the skysail poles` most splendid rake. "And when I felt unhappy I would look Over the river at her; and her pride, So calm, so quiet, came as a rebuke To half the passionate pathways which I tried-, And though the autumn ran its term and died, And winter fell and cold December came, She was still splendid there, and still the same. "Then on a day she sailed; but when she went My mind was clear on what I had to try: To see the sea and ships, and what they meant, That was the thing I longed to do; so I Drew and worked hard, and studied and put by, And thought of nothing else but that one end, But let all else go hang--love, money, friend. "And now I`ve shipped as Dauber I`ve begun. It was hard work to find a dauber`s berth; I hadn`t any friends to find me one, Only my skill, for what it may be worth; But I`m at sea now, going about the earth, And when the ship`s paid off, when we return, I`ll join some Paris studio and learn." He stopped, the air came moist, Si did not speak; The Dauber turned his eyes to where he sat, Pressing the sail-room hinges with his cheek, His face half covered with a dropping hat. Huge dewdrops from the stay-sails dropped and spat. Si did not stir, the Dauber touched his sleeve; A little birdlike noise came from a sheave. Si was asleep, sleeping a calm deep sleep, Still as a warden of the Egyptian dead In some old haunted temple buried deep Under the desert sand, sterile and red. The Dauber shook his arm; Si jumped and said, "Good yarn, I swear! I say, you have a brain Was that eight bells that went?" He slept again. Then waking up, "I`ve had a nap," he cried. "Was that one bell? What, Dauber, you still here?" "Si there?" the Mate`s voice called. "Sir," he replied. The order made the lad`s thick vision clear; A something in the Mate`s voice made him fear. "Si," said the Mate, "I hear you`ve made a friend-- Dauber, in short. That friendship`s got to end. "You`re a young gentleman. Your place aboard Is with the gentlemen abaft the mast. You`re learning to command; you can`t afford To yam with any man. But there . . . it`s past. You`ve done it once; let this time be the last. The Dauber`s place is forward. Do it again, I`ll put you bunking forward with the men. "Dismiss." Si went, but Sam, beside the Mate, Timekeeper there, walked with him to the rail And whispered him the menace of "You wait"-- Words which have turned full many a reefer pale. The watch was changed; the watch on deck trimmed sail Sam, going below, called all the reefers down, Sat in his bunk and eyed them with a frown. "Si here," he said, "has soiled the half-decks` name Talking to Dauber-Dauber, the ship`s clout. A reefer takes the Dauber for a flame, The half-deck take the round-house walking out. He`s soiled the half-deck`s honour; now, no doubt, The Bosun and his mates will come here sneaking, Asking for smokes, or blocking gangways speaking. "`I`m not a vain man, given to blow or boast; I`m not a proud man, but I truly feel That while I`ve bossed this mess and ruled this roast I`ve kept this hooker`s half-deck damned genteel. Si must ask pardon, or be made to squeal. Down on your knees, dog; them we love we chasten. Jao, pasea, my son-in English, Hasten ." Si begged for pardon, meekly kneeling down Before the reefer`s mess assembled grim. The lamp above them smoked the glass all brown; Beyond the door the dripping sails were dim. The Dauber passed the door; none spoke to him. He sought his berth and slept, or, waking, heard Rain on the deck-house-rain, no other word. IV Out of the air a time of quiet came, Calm fell upon the heaven like a drouth; The brass sky watched the brassy water flame. Drowsed as a snail the clipper loitered south Slowly, with no white bone across her mouth; No rushing glory, like a queen made bold, The Dauber strove to draw her as she rolled. There the four leaning spires of canvas rose, Royals and skysails lifting, gently lifting, White like the brightness that a great fish blows When billows are at peace and ships are drifting; With mighty jerks that set the shadows shifting, The courses tugged their tethers: a blue haze Drifted like ghosts of flocks come down to graze. There the great skyline made her perfect round, Notched now and then by the sea`s deeper blue; A smoke-smutch marked a steamer homeward bound, The haze wrought all things to intenser hue. In tingling impotence the Dauber drew As all men draw keen to the shaken soul To give a hint that might suggest the whole. A naked seaman washing a red shirt Sat at a tub whistling between his teeth; Complaining blocks quavered like something hurt. A sailor cut an old boot for a sheath, The ship bowed to her shadow-ship beneath, And little splash of spray came at the roll On to the deck-planks from the scupper-hole. He watched it, painting patiently, as paints, With eyes that pierce behind the blue sky`s veil, The Benedictine in a Book of Saints Watching the passing of the Holy Grail; The green dish dripping blood, the trump, the hail, The spears that pass, the memory and the passion, The beauty moving under this world`s fashion. But as he painted, slowly, man by man, The seamen gathered near; the Bosun stood Behind him, jeering; then the Sails began Sniggering with comment that it was not good. Chips flicked his sketch with little scraps of wood, Saying, "That hit the top-knot," every time. Cook mocked, "My lovely drawings; it`s a crime." Slowly the men came nearer, till a crowd Stood at his elbow, muttering as he drew; The Bosun, turning to them, spoke aloud, "This is the ship that never got there. You Look at her here, what Dauber`s trying to do. Look at her! lummy, like a Christmas-tree. That thing`s a ship; he calls this painting. See?" Seeing the crowd, the Mate came forward; then Sir, " said the Bosun, "come and see the sight ! Here`s Dauber makes a circus for the men. He calls this thing a ship-this hell`s delight!" `Man," said the Mate, "you`ll never get her right Daubing like that. Look here!" He took a brush "Now Dauber, watch; I`ll put you to the blush. "Look here. Look there. Now watch this ship of mine." He drew her swiftly from a memory stored. "God, sir,`` the Bosun said, "you do her fine!" "Ay," said the Mate, "I do so, by the Lord ! I`ll paint a ship with any man aboard." They hung about his sketch like beasts at bait. "There now, I taught him painting," said the Mate. When he had gone, the gathered men dispersed; Yet two or three still lingered to dispute What errors made the Dauber`s work the worst. They probed his want of knowledge to the root. " Bei Gott I " they swore, " der Dauber cannot do`t He haf no knolich how to put der pense. Der Mate`s is goot. Der Dauber haf no sense."` "You hear?" the Bosun cried, "you cannot do it! "A gospel truth," the Cook said, "true as hell! And wisdom, Dauber, if you only knew it; A five year boy would do a ship as well." "If that`s the kind of thing you hope to sell, God help you," echoed Chips. "I tell you true, The job`s beyond you, Dauber; drop it, do. "Drop it, in God`s name drop it, and have done! You see you cannot do it. Here`s the Mate Paints you to frazzles before everyone; Paints you a dandy clipper while you wait. While you, Lord love us, daub. I tell you straight We`ve had enough of daubing; drop it; quit. You cannot paint, so make an end of it." "That`s sense," said all; "you cannot, why pretend.? "The Dauber rose and put his easel by. "You`ve said enough," he said, "now let it end. Who cares how bad my painting may be? I Mean to go on, and, if I fail, to try. However much I miss of my intent, If I have done my best I`ll be content. "You cannot understand that. Let it be. You cannot understand, nor know, nor share. This is a matter touching only me; My sketch may be a daub, for aught I care. You may be right. But even if you were, Your mocking should not stop this work of mine; Rot though it be, its prompting is divine. "You cannot understand that-you, and you, And you, you Bosun. You can stand and jeer, That is the task your spirit fits you to, That you can understand and hold most dear. Grin, then, like collars, ear to donkey ear, But let me daub. Try, you, to understand Which task will bear the light best on God`s hand." V The wester came as steady as the Trades; Brightly it blew, and still the ship did shoulder The brilliance of the water`s white cockades Into the milky green of smoky smoulder. The sky grew bluer and the air grew colder. Southward she thundered while the westers held, Proud, with taut bridles, pawing, but compelled. And still the Dauber strove, though all men mocked, To draw the splendour of the passing thing, And deep inside his heart a something locked, Long pricking in him, now began to sting

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